Guest Post By Jayde

 New Zealand blog reader Jayde is 21 years old. I asked her to write a guest post to share her viewpoint as a young person navigating her way through this chaotic time. Enjoy.

It's always hard when talking to asleep family members. You try so hard to make them understand. But I found forcing it upon them will not work. As I say to my younger siblings, "I would never force my ideals or 'conspiracy theories' on you. Where I'm coming from is a place of love and truth. I would have no reason to lie to you. What I say to you about the world, the fake media, New Earth and the vaccine is truth - and what do I have to gain from lying? I want a better world for both of you and that's what we are heading in to..."  

I know everyone is struggling with this whoever it may be, family or friends, but don't force information or get frustrated with them. Instead show them love. I'm learning this with my mother. She persuaded my siblings to get the vaccine by bribing them with new phones, treats, etc. She has also gone behind my back saying to them and the rest of my family that I'm crazy, a conspiracy theorist and that I'm endangering her children. Most of my family ignored me on Christmas Day because of this. I was infuriated with my mum. I had had enough. I yelled at her, telling her that it's her job to protect her children, and if someone told me there was a slight chance that something would hurt my children, I would at least look at the evidence. I tried to tell her it will soon be a better world not just for her but for her children and all living on this world. I don't understand why she deflected it so quickly. They all do. But now I understand that being angry with her isn't going to help her or me. So, I choose to never give up and introduce the topics very briefly. 

If anyone can take anything from this, it is that you're not alone in any of this. You're not crazy. Never give up. You are supported and we are almost there. The sleepers will need us to be strong when the time comes. 

Kind regards 

Thank you, Jayde. I feel a great deal of hope for humanity knowing that the future of this planet is in the care of wise old souls such as yourself.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light 


  1. Hello Sierra,
    This will be to Jayden. You know it's really hard to stand up and tell your friends and family the truth. The brainwashing has gone on longer than you are old. I told Sierra a few months ago that we can't shine our light on everyone, but everyone can shine some light on someone. That's what you did. That's all we can do. You stood up for your family by giving them the truth. Put a smile on your face and keep it there. Young people like you are the future. One day I can you as someone who people look up to. And a future leader in your town or country. My Dad always told me don't tell me you can't. My hat is off to you for your courage. God BLESS YOU. RANDY

    1. Thank you randy for those kind words! You must have a very wise dad i will definatly try to live up to those words!
      Love and light to you!

  2. Thank you, Randy! Jayde will read your response. She is one of the first readers of my posts because she's a NZer in the same time zone as me. And I want you to know, she has the most radiant smile you will ever see. A beautiful soul, inside and out. Love and Light to you.

  3. I just don’t talk to my family about these things anymore, it’s too painful. I made the choice to let them do as they please until the truth comes out. If they get mad at me and ask, “why didn’t you tell me before now?” I will just say, “you wouldn’t have believed me.”

    1. I tried very hard in the early days to get the truth across to my loved ones. But in the end, I had to step back. It's harder when it's children, as in Jayde's case with her young siblings. I can understand her powerful motivation - her siblings are too young to speak up for themselves.

  4. You GO, Jayde!! Love and Light to you! Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Thank you! Love and light to you tooπŸ’œ

  5. Beautiful Jayde!! ❤️❤️🌈🌈

  6. To Jayde: It IS good to know we are not alone. I lost all of my family to this whole mess - none of them will speak to me anymore. Even when I never said anything directly to them. (My own father told me on my birthday that he got the vaccine - as if that was his present to me.) They would just see my posts and decided I wasn't worth speaking to. (Though I made my brother tell me outright how he felt - I do not deal well with passive-aggressive behavior.) The last thing he said to me was "I guess you're the victim then." I knew he was brainwashed as soon as he said that. So if my family ever decides to reach out to me, I will speak to them. But I will no longer try reaching out to them (I do not live near any of them, which is why I'm saying this.) I wish none of them ill-will, but I cannot be around that energy. I do not envy you your position - but I also know you will have a very glorious life, as you will be able to be part of the beginning of all of this greatness that is to follow. Thanks so much for sharing with us! It gives me hope for this generation.

  7. awesome - you are already a wise young being! keep it up!

  8. Thank you both for sharing your stories. It encourages us all to keep going. I am fortunate to have a very loving family, but I know that if I push the envelope, I will get pushback. It is because I love them that I know when I have said too much and so I let it go for a while and I intuitively know when they are not ready. It's not easy. My mom is my greatest supporter, my sister is skeptical, but asking questions, yet they both have been double jabbed. My husband, daughter and son are the least interested, but have not chosen to be vaccinated along with the grandchildren and all children in my family. Thank goodness. The road less traveled does feel lonely at times, especially within our inner most circles, yet when we stop and connect with our inner selves we know we are never alone and that Love will prevail. Patience, Wisdom and Love are truly my best friends in these chaotic times. Thanks again, for sharing. It was uplifting and inspiring.

  9. Yes I can relate as well. My parents, 4 sisters, 2 brothers, 4 nephews, and 5 nieces all jot the jab. Not to mention all my cousins aunts and uncles. I did tell them all that it was toxic and people would die from it, but no one wanted to hear. Like Jayde I have decided to deal with it with ❤️. It was hard at first and I was getting fearful and angry, but some of the channelled messages taught me that it is their free will and perhaps there is a lesson for them to learn through it all. Their souls may need more learning and they need to stay in a 3D world. It is interesting because I have blue printer souls in my immediate family that are not awake. I agree that children should not be forced to take it. The children are also carrying a greater amount of light and my understanding is the more light coming into the planet the less effective the jab will be. The galactic scientists have also diminished many of the toxins. The jab is really showing us how easily humans can be controlled and programmed. I believe one of our main tasks in this earth school is to stand in our power (light) and many are doing this and it is great to witness the strength of our soul family.

    1. I also would like to point out that one of the channellers I listen to was also distraught over her young niece getting the jab. She connected to her niece's energy and spoke with her higher self and her niece said "butt out, I want to have this experience". I thought this was interesting.


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