Mask Mandates Dropped

The UK government is halting jab stats data because it is showing that double jabbed are contracting ADE, and the triple-jabbed are getting AIDS. 

Dr Reiner Feullmich warns of the [D]eep [S]tate agenda regarding AIDS.

Jack at [T]witter shows his [D]eep [S]tate connection in this tweet conversation. Guilty, much.

Great news for USA travellers - mask mandates have ended on public transport, including planes. Let's hope all other countries follow suit quick smart. We must never forget the physical and psychological long-term damage caused by mask mandates.

These sad images prove that masks were never about illness prevention - it was always about control.

Finally, a reminder of the TRUTH about the jab.
Stay positive Light Warriors. Sometime between now and well before the mid-terms in November, we can expect to see major TRUTH bombs drop onto humanity. We KNOW it's coming. Divine timing dictates when it will happen. 

Meanwhile we can play our part by staying calm, focused and patient. This is a time for extreme self-care. Your physical, emotional and mental well-being is your top priority. Put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I've never heard anything about 5/5 before. Btw, what's your take on Judy Byington? How many years has she been writing about Nesara?

    1. Hi James, lovely to hear from you!
      As you will see from the new post about Q drops with 5:5, it is quite a significant part of the Q movement.
      As for Judy, she has worked tirelessly for many years to bring intel and updates to people about the RV/GCR. Tens of millions of people worldwide have currency and are awaiting the RV/GCR.

  2. I’m not super confident in Judy Byington . I don’t like the weird Infinitive or whatever tense she uses “ Biden was to leave office “ And calling RV over and over

    Can someone give me a better link to the 5/5/22 Simpsons clip?

    Hope everyone has seen the disturbing story on fox of Jesse Watters secretly letting the air out of a woman’s tires to get her to ride in his car . Now she is his wife and he’d never told her.

    1. Hi Faith...
      See my comment to James above about Judy.
      As discussed in an email, I don't have a better link to the Simpsons excerpt, which, as you suggested, may be fake.
      And no, haven't seen the story about Jesse Watters.

    2. PS: Thanks for sharing, Faith...!

    3. In addition I see people saying Matt Groening ( Simpson’s creator) is a Mason .


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