Tarot By Janine: The Event

Tarot by Janine has done a great card reading about The Event.


Janine's reading aligns with information that was channeled in The Event channeling I facilitated in December. 

Janine's reading showed the potential for earthquakes, maybe a polar shift of some kind. My Event channeling talked about a 'shaking' that would hit humanity suddenly all at once.

Janine said that Light Warriors will not be afraid because they know that - despite appearances - The Event is a GOOD thing. We know that the Alliance are in FULL control. But the unaware will be absolutely terrified.

These are direct quotes from my December Event channeling...

The Event is something that no-one can explain so people start to question their reality. They will stop listening to the news because it's inexplicable...It feels like an earthquake, not necessarily a big one but a GLOBAL one...it happens all over the world at the same time.

(Is there anything that Light Warriors need to know before it happens..?)

Just be prepared but not afraid.

(Put yourself in the moment when it happens - right now. Is it something to be afraid of...?)

No. But people will be afraid. Lightworkers will know straight away what it is and and they won't be afraid. They will know.

Your neighbors will be VERY scared. And they will be even more scared that YOU are not scared. It might feel isolating, like when witches were deemed to be magic and cast out from society because they had powers and weren't afraid.

Please use your discernment, as with all channeled messages. I facilitated my Event channeling with someone I trust implicitly, whom I have regressed several times before. It was a personal regression that suddenly became a channeled message about The Event - totally unexpected.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Christian prophets are getting messages saying God is going to shake everything !

  2. Oh, this will be fun indeed once it begins to occur, not for all though I guess.
    However, Source has it all in hand. I would like to share this as it may help to reassure.
    Approximately 3 months ago now, I was given a vision in my higher state, and in that dimensional state, I was taken to my window whereupon looking out, all I could see filling the entire sky was Source Divine Feminine.
    In the middle of this vision was a very large inner circle area of pure white light... surrounding all around this glowing Light were these lovely arrangements of beautiful and softly coloured flowers, just breathtaking.
    However, outside of all this gorgeous floral arrangement was form and geometrics of which I could not comprehend even in my higher elevated state, except for one thing which I knew for absolute certainly, Source Divine Feminine was fully anchored into this Planet through all of it's dimensions, we do definitely ALL have this..

    1. Could be the geometrics have something to do with the language of light used by the Galactics, our space Brothers.

    2. Thank you Peter. The flowers have with me in a strong way of late. Beautiful message.

    3. You are very welcome, Annette. Love and Light to you.

    4. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful vision, Peter. And Sharen, the geometrics are the light language used by the Galactics. I sometimes see geometrics in my inner vision.

  3. Janie's message resonated with me. She wanted to ask the universe about the "fall-out" from the cure. I paraphrase her answer: "They made their own decision." Sigh...they did indeed.

    Love and Light, Sierra! Big hugs!

    1. Each person made their decision on a soul level before coming into incarnation - there is so much spiritual growth just from being on Earth at this time, no matter what role people play in this movie. Love, Light and hugs to you!

  4. Hi Sierra.
    I love your stuff.
    I look forward to reading your messages every day.
    We are close to a magnetic pole reversal.
    Could you say a few words to explain that.
    I would appreciate it.

  5. There is a message from Christ Michael Aton on
    that you may find interesting.
    It brought tears to my eyes.

    1. Thank you for the link to the message, I look forward to checking it out.
      As for the pole shift, I am so sorry but I don't feel qualified to comment. All I do know is that the effects will not be as serious as they would have been ten years ago because the Light quotient on Earth has risen so much since then. I hope that helps...!

  6. I can explain some of this from the several classes I attended in the early to mid 1990s. Planet Earth has been 23.5 degrees off its axis for years, plus being on a wobble. According to the calendars, we were to shift by 12/21/2012. Some say we are already in the Photon Belt. The Schumann Resonance graphs show, in real time, how the frequencies are rising as we ascend - into 5D. At the same time, the magnetics are falling - taking us out of 3D. If one draws these two lines on an X-Y grid, one can see they will meet - becoming "Zero Point" - supposedly the pole shift. Further study can be done by reading Gregg Braden's book, Awakening to Zero Point.
    I found a few more links that will be helpful:
    Regarding your health: https://www.drskinhealth.com/blog/schumann-resonance
    More details about the electromagnetics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances
    Photos and videos of the Photon Belt: https://alchetron.com/Photon-belt
    Last link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3APhoton_belt%2FArchive_1
    "The photon belt was described in the book You Are Becoming A Galactic Human
    ISBN 0937147087 (1994, Spiritual Education Endeavors), ISBN 0446672041 (1995,
    Warner Books)] by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle, [Sheldan Nidle]
    FWIW: I bought this book back then and met both these authors around 2002.
    For those who choose to do more research, study the Flower of Life (Drunvalo Melchizadek)
    and the Fibonacci Series. If you saw the movie, DaVinci Code, it featured this Sacred Geometry. Have fun! Enjoy! DD

    1. Wow. Thank you. I have some research to do.

    2. Thanks DD. As I mentioned in the comment below, I believe there won't be a catastrophic frightening earth event such as a pole shift/giant earthquake and tsunamis etc. Channeled messages from people like Matthew Ward have said that the work done by Light Warriors in the last decade has vastly subdued that potential timeline.

  7. I find it disappointing that Janine seems to include cataclysmic earth events as part of the “Event “ as described by Dolores Cannon and multiple QHHT sessions . I don’t think the “ Event “ will have any extreme earthquakes etc. I think it will simply be very high frequency love energy sweeping over everything on Earth . And will raise everything to a higher frequency.

    1. I agree with you, Faith. I also believe that it will be a high frequency love energy that will sweep over everything on Earth. I will share a vision in a post today that describes such a happening. There may still be earthquakes because Mother Earth has to do a bit of shaking but they will be localized, in more remote areas, without fatalities. The plan has always been to minimize harm to humanity in this Ascension process.

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