Brilliant Move From Truckers

This is pure genius. Go Freedom Truckers...! I hope all truckers worldwide follow suit. Who is in control? We The People.

PS: Twitter too.

President Trump has announced that his new social media platform TruthSocial 'welcomes the Freedom Truckers with open arms' when the platform is launched. Official statement from President Trump...

The news just gets better and better. CNN has been purchased by conservative John Malone, a billionaire who is a Trump supporter and contributed to his campaign. Malone is determined to 'restore real journalism'. BOOM.

A great little video showing Truthers gate-crashing a live TV feed with their 'Let's Go Brandon' sign and calls of 'We are the media now.' Love it. The MSM is dead in the water, friends.

Medical statistics from the USA Defense Department - the devastating truth about jab adverse effects on military personnel. 

New Zealand scientists have found 'electronic circuitry' in the bodies of jabbed people due to the vaccine. This video quotes highly respected overseas scientists (named) - the evidence is compelling. Who do we trust? These named experts or the nameless 'experts' quoted in the MSM..??

I love this drone footage of the Finland truck convoy - it's a winter fairy tale setting.

Short compilation video of the Canadian truckers in Ottawa: 'We're not leaving...!' We Are With You...!

T(r)ucker Carlson stated on live TV that Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro. He is so cool.

An excerpt from Starship Earth's latest newsletter. BP is right - millions of people will go to MSM searching for news of the freedom trucker convoys. They won't find anything. They will head to alternative media. They will see that they have been lied to - about EVERYTHING.

It is a time of great uncertainty and upheaval. Just as the media planted seeds of fear in Humanity, a movement like the Trucker's Freedom Convoy has the reach to plant seeds of doubt about the bill of goods the 'normies' bought into that isn't true at all---and neither is anything the state-funded media says.

They must realize that the fear is an illusion. There is nothing to fear except the loss of an old, manipulated, limiting existence based on lack and control. We deserve so much better---but we have to fight for it. For too long the people of this planet believed what they were told---repeated over and over---rather than what was in front of their eyes.

As some have pointed out, a large number of Canadians have one point of reference for their information; the lying, treasonous, compromised, state-funded media. If they start looking online for updates on the convoy, what is happening to the mandates, etc. and find the material we are all sharing as "the new media", we have the opportunity to educate them and they will in many cases change their minds and join us---or at least begin to question; to doubt. (BP from Starship Earth)

Well, my friends, I have made a connection between my gnawing hunger and deep processing. It seems that when I have a big emotional or spiritual breakthrough I need to be grounded, hence the increased appetite. I wish I could say that my urge to snack steers me in the direction of veggies. Hmmm.

I am noticing that I am more detached from things that used to bother me, like grey days. They pass. Everything does. Also I am learning to not anticipate and plan for the day ahead. Often things that were supposed to happen don't, and things that were not on the agenda suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Going with the flow, for sure. And I recommend connecting with people and activities that make your heart sing - avoid people and activities that bring your vibration down. Here endeth Ascension Tips for today.

The New Zealand freedom truckers convoy is organized and will converge on Parliament in Wellington on Tuesday. Go Kiwi truckers!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Learning to "go with the flow" has been the hardest thing for me to adjust to. I am such a planner, but the days don't usually jive with what I intended. I am learning to better adjust.

    My dietary changes are also unique. I haven't given up on meat completely, but I will go days without eating much of it. I find I crave veggies more and more often. A simple baked potato or some sauteed mushrooms (often together) and I am happy. This is a very far departure from the traditional "American" diet on which I was raised.

    Just trying to find a high vibration and keep it seems to be the biggest challenge of every single day. Thanks for the daily words of wisdom and hope. It's always a welcome sight. Have a blessed day.

  2. I have always been exactly the same as you - planning every single day. It's been a big adjustment for me too. The energies force us to let go and flow, whether we want to or not...! Easier to flow along with them than resist. And it IS a big challenge every day keeping a high vibration. I think we are doing incredibly well, every one of us Light Warriors. Love and Light to you.

  3. "I am noticing that I am more detached from things that used to bother me, like grey days. They pass. Everything does."

    In it, but not of it. You've got it!

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Thanks Jan! The weather is a big one for me. I tell you what has helped is not looking at the weather 'forecast' anymore. It is usually wrong anyway. When I wake up each morning now and look out the window, that's the weather I have - in the moment! Love and Light to you.

  4. Dean House

    "Corny" but Sierra you are to the reporting of light filled news and thoughts what stainless steel was to iron. A subtle but monumental shift for the better. You rock now and always have and I expect you always will. You and Kat are the highest vibrational exemplars of the Divine Feminine Order and my heart gives 100% attention when you have something to say. I am tapped in and turned on to this momentum toward Freedom

    1. Hi Dean...Thank you! What a lovely comment - and a cool analogy. Kat works tirelessly as a beacon of Light. We are doing our best to keep spirits uplifted. I really enjoy post research and writing. I am very grateful to you for this message. Love and Light to you, my friend.

  5. Thanks Caroline - It's always lovely to hear from you.

  6. Hi Sierra, I found this snippet of a QHHT session regarding the pandemic/the V that I thought you should listen to and if you felt it proper, perhaps to share on your blog, it goes for 20 minutes.

    Bloody intense but it makes sense regarding the higher perspective of all that is about to unfold. Also confirms that things will be shifting soon, the being said March.

    1. Hi there. I watched it and while the information seems credible, I was shocked by the tone of the being who came through in the session. I have facilitated hundreds of QHHT sessions and I have never had an entity come through purporting to be from a higher dimension who talked so sharply and, quite frankly, rudely. Also, a big red flag for me was the mention of a nuclear detonation. Prime Creator assured us decades ago that there would never be a nuclear detonation ever again in any Universe. It was disturbing to see it mentioned here as a potential timeline.
      Just my thoughts...! Thanks for sharing it. Always interesting to check out a QHHT session.

  7. Aloha Sierra, here is a link to a "grand Jury" The Court Of Public Opinion.
    A GIANT Thank You for your Giving.

    Heart All In, rob

  8. Hi Rob, Thanks so much! I will check out the link. Love and Light to you.


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