Athena Channeling: The Event

There have been a lot of questions about The Event. There really is only one place to get those answers - Creator/Source. Bearing that disclaimer in mind, I would like to share my thoughts about The Event in upcoming posts, based on messages I have read over the years - and my own direct experience in a vision/dream which I have posted previously.

Firstly, here are excerpts from a channeled message by a medium called Athena from years ago. I can't find the source anymore because I transcribed it by hand from a video...

The Event is a multi-dimensional energy coming from the Central Sun, through the Pleiadian star system to Earth. It is pure Love vibrational energy from Divine Creator. Nothing can change, alter or lower this vibration. In 14 minutes it will cover the entire Earth, and all living things will integrate this energy.

People will wake up to the effects and a lot will go into fear. They won't know what to do. You will get up. You will feel very very different. You will say, 'Hah! Here we go...' You will feel very light, a floating effect as if you are floating above the ground. There will be a great deal of pressure around your head area. Try to consciously say, 'I recognize this energy - it is what I've been waiting for...'. Breathe it in. Pull it down through your body into Mother Earth. 

Your heart is going to be so open, you'll want to hug everyone in the street. EVERYONE will know something big has happened. Your DNA will be shaken into fuller consciousness. This consciousness will tell you what to do, who you need to connect to, and who is waiting for you. We don't know all that yet! When the Event takes place, you will know then.

There is no set time or date. We just have to be ready to receive it, to say 'Yes!' to it. The Angelic realm is on full call to support us through this. Your guides and mentors will be close around you when it hits. They will be constantly monitoring your body, making it easy for you. If you have done your work, it will be so SMOOTH, like velvet.

Start seeing everything now as you truly want it. Everything you have seen and wanted, you will get it. What you see, you get! Seek the highest possibility for Mother Earth. We are not here for ourselves, we came in service to Mother Earth...The Event is a wave of energy that will transform everything to its HIGHEST potential. Everyone will be receiving what is perfect for them. Start working with it now!

Talk to your guides and masters. Drink lots and lots of water. You won't be hungry. You will have so much joy, so much peace, so much love. Take the day off work. If you are driving when it hits, pull over in your car...The Event will be a physical experience. What will help you most is to BE OKAY WITH IT. That will move you into the excitement of it. You may experience nausea and dizziness. It is a personal experience so stay away from people until you have integrated it. 

We Lightworkers will say, 'Oh my God, the first domino has fallen. It is so exciting! We must help our brothers and sisters. What do people really need to know...?' (Athena channeling)

Athena's message is backed up by multiple sources. David Wilcock describes the Event/Solar Flash as multi-dimensional energy, exactly as Athena does. Many sources describe a situation where a global 'event' strikes humanity simultaneously, and people are advised to stop what they are doing and lie down to integrate it. 

Timeframes vary on how long it will take for this 'event' to affect humanity, but it seems to be hours up to three days. I believe that Light Warriors will recover more quickly and be ready to help people around them who will be completely shocked and stunned.

One thing is very obvious to me - the channeled messages about The Event are definitely ramping up in frequency, compared to previous months and years. We can heed this as a sign from Upstairs to be prepared.

The Event is NOT Ascension - that will happen later. The purpose of The Event is to awaken many more people so they are ready to ascend if they so choose. 

I will include another channeled message about The Event in the next post...

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Elon Musk - Twitter - Trump . (lol - I'm sharing as asked)

    1. Yes, this was fab-u-lous! I had to keep putting it on replay, I watched it so many times. Pray that this is imminent.

    2. Thanks Sarah and Sharen - I am looking forward to checking it out...

  2. Thanks Sierra! We must be close and the event is similar to what many have relayed...lie down and many will be in shock...heck I will be it's amazing! I assumed RV but perhaps RV after event ...either way is fine can't wait for all to be awakened and we can move beyond this 3d prison planet for good!
    Is Trump back on Twitter??

    1. You are welcome, Doug. Not sure when the RV will happen in relation to the Event. I imagine a whole lot of dominos will tumble at the same time. We won't know which way to turn. Awesome fun...! I don't think Trump is back on Twitter apart from his parody account.

  3. Yes! Loving all these channelings about The Event, keep posting about them please! I concur, the increased messages mean that it could happen any day now.

    1. Another one on the way, my friend. I love them too...!

  4. Good read thanks .... shared with me around this as I like to try and get out ahead of something to look at it from as many sides as possible .... so those with pets n all .... being sure they have plenty of food and water and a place to re-leave themselves as many could be unable to tune into them for a time.... also thinking it could be useful to write down the time and date you start to experience the flow and try to remember to write down the time and date when you mmmmm reboot.

    1. That is a great idea about jotting down the time/date when the Event is clearly underway. We Light Warriors will want to record this extraordinary time in the history of this entire Universe. It is a huge privilege to be part of the 'Boots on the Ground' crew here on Earth.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sananda:
    Those forces of darkness have no claim to the Earth any longer
    The decree has gone out across the entire solar system
    And even the galaxy
    They will no longer hold sway here on this planet
    It is not for them to control any longer
    Their plans have been foiled
    There are forces involved here that are far beyond that of those forces of darkness
    They have no claim whatsoever to the Earth any longer
    (Channel: James McConnell) (eraoflight)

    1. Thanks Wayne, I read that message from Sananda today. It's such a positive, powerful message - we Light Warriors can feel very reassured by those words.

    2. I read it this morning it was clear and to the point exactly as I see an ascended master communicating. Sometimes channelings are so long I get suspicious as yeshua and other master's often said little but conveyed so much! Less is more principle .. trying to stay calm and aligned's not easy of course the fake 3D world grabs me still and I get triggered...then I te myself it's not real stop being upset about this or that...those mask people it drives me crazy ...the people who keep getting jabbed ...even people I know we talk they tell me how absurd the masks are then tell me they got vaccinated and I just kind of stop talking in disbelief. Ok...enough of that...Event Now!

    3. I so resonate with your being triggered by the mask-wearers. I feel exactly the same way as you, Doug. I have tried very hard not to be triggered, but it is still hot weather here and when I see people coming out of the supermarket, still wearing their masks and walking right to the car wearing them - instead of ripping them off with relief and disgust as soon as they get out of the supermarket...well, there are no words, quite frankly...

  7. Thanks Caroline, hugs to you...!

  8. Ready, and eagerly waiting! Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. We are standing on the bridge, ready to go...!! Love and Light to you, Jan.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anniversary of the Titanic sinking - yes, it would be perfect! I thought about that a few weeks ago and then forgot it. Thanks for the reminder, Marc.

    2. That's right, Doug - the true story of the Titanic/Olympus is quite a deep rabbit hole. Going full circle to Q, 'Gold will end the Fed.' At LAST...!

    3. Ooops! Sorry, Marc, I accidentally deleted your comment. Readers, Marc suggested April 12th as the ideal date...My response is below his (accidentally) deleted comment.
      And Doug, I meant to delete my comment and replace it - Titanic's sister ship was the Olympic.

  10. I perceive it will happen about the same time as the RV-GCR. Us 'digital warriors' are ready. DD

    1. Athena said earlier in her channeling that when the dominos fall, it will be all at once. I have always felt it to be true. We are ready, indeed...!


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