Two Messages: The Event

Please use your discernment about these two messages about The Event. It is important that the information resonates as YOUR truth. Only you can decide by reading it with your heart.

Over the years I have read other channeled messages that talked about 'colored smoke' or 'waves of colored light'.

The most important thing is not to go into fear. You will be in the right place at the right time when it happens. Listen to your heart/intuition at all times, and you will be fine. So will your loved ones.

Here is the first channeled message from the Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray (it will be followed by an Event message from Dr Joy Love).

The Great Shift Is Upon Us Now

The time of your shift into the fifth dimension is getting closer and closer. You are feeling it in your physical body as well as in your emotional and mental manifestations. You are ready for this magnificent ascension.

The love that is coming towards you will feel like an ocean of love, which will move through the crystal cities, and into each and every heart center of Gaia's citizens.

It will be a time of celebration for all, as you are all ready for this amazing journey into the fifth dimension. Each one is coming home to the great central sun of creation, which is your source of life and creation and manifests itself in many different levels of consciousness.

The great central sun offers all beings a different perspective on reality. In order to see it from a higher level of awareness, you have to raise your vibration to the level where this new perspective is visible to you.
In order to do this, you are being prepared for ascension into the fifth dimension.

Once there, new perspectives on reality will surface in many different ways. They will give you a better understanding of your true self and your origins in creation.

You are part of a greater whole.

This event is actually the final one, but it will not be noticed by a few people on the planet.

You are just about to live an experience that has never happened on earth.

It will be a day in which you are no longer on earth, but discarnate, and aware of the 5th-dimensional transition.

At that moment, you will realize that the world as you know it, has come to an end, and it was the end of all things.

You will see many colored waves covering the whole planet. There will be no destruction.

After these waves subside, a new dawn will arrive and a new era begin for those who are awake and aware at that time.

Do not expect any kind of communication during this transition. All 3d communications will cease to exist at that time.

These changes are coming in a flash and will happen in the blink of an eye.

During this process, there will be a shift in consciousness, as we go from one dimension to another.

We must prepare for this event by preparing ourselves mentally and also physically.

If you are not prepared, you can still be affected by these changes, as they are transforming our planet and the magnetic grid.

As the magneto-sphere is re-calibrated, so will our bodies be altered and transformed into 5th-dimensional bodies.

The most important thing you can do to prepare yourself is to release all fear, as fear will block you from receiving these new frequencies of light that are about to flood our planet.

On the day of the event, many people will experience symptoms such as:

1. Dehydration
2. Dizziness
3. Increased Colds
4. Hearing Things
5. Ringing In The Ears
6. Intense Anxiety
7. Hot Flashes
8. Dry Mouth
9. Rashes
10. Extreme Fatigue
11. Cold Hands And Feet
12. Nausea
13. Sore Throat
14. Headaches

The final event of ascension will cause the earth to be transformed into a new planet.

It will become a planet of love and peace.

We will be able to fly again.

Many souls are preparing themselves for this great day.

The magnetic pole is shifting, and the planet is preparing for the change.

Light forces have been working for years to heal the planet from its past history of alien invasions and dark forces' manipulation.

They have cleared out all reptilian and other lower dimensional beings from our solar system. It is a time for celebration!

Ascension is here! We are going to be returning to the fifth dimension.

Finally, a huge wave of pure love and light will hit earth. It will be so powerful that all of humanity will feel it, and even parts of the planet that are not activated to the higher frequencies of love and light will be affected.

The wave will be so big that it will take at least three days before it is completely gone, and for some people, it could take even longer.

This is true ascension, where we will go from a carbon-based form to a crystalline form in this lifetime.

The dream is over, my friends; we have done it. Now we can fly free in our light bodies and return to the source.

Ascension is as simple as a child's game for those who know how to play it; the only thing needed to activate this process of ascension is love and compassion for yourself and all beings on this planet, then the cosmic forces will do the rest for you!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Here is the second message about the Event. Interesting that both messages refer to a three day period.

FLASH VISION & GUIDANCE FROM DR. JOY LOVELast week, Dr. Joy Love had a vivid dream in which she received a vision of the Flash and asked me to share it with you all. In the vision she was driving in her neighborhood and the surroundings looked like early Spring where she lives. She suddenly felt what she described as a magnetizing energy wave come over her and she was compelled to lay down.She got out of her car and laid down on the road and briefly lost consciousness. She’d seen other cars and drivers around her, and they were all doing the same, so she wasn’t worried about being run over. People were calm. Later she came to and got up into her car to lay down on the seat to be more comfortable. This vision gave her the feeling that this event is coming soon.After waking up and in the days that followed, Dr. Joy Love began to get guidance regarding the Flash. She feels that we should be prepared to be down for 3 days or so.Here are additional tips from her:1. Dress comfortably, go lay down when you feel compelled to.2. Remember your pets and plants! Put food and water out for pets and a place for them to potty. Water your plants.3. If you have a battery clock and a small notebook and pen, keep them by your bedside to keep track of days passing as most will want to know what day it is when we come to.4. Perhaps keep fresh water and a snack nearby also.5. She sensed that our bodies know what is going on and we will not soil ourselves in bed (or where-ever we are laying down).6. Clean your kitchen and freeze things that may go bad in a few days, such as bananas.7. Keep some healthy snacks and ready to eat type meals on hand so when everyone wakes up you can feed them quickly.8. If you wake up before others do, please check on your family, neighbors, friends and all their pets.Contact information:

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Wow. So I just dreamed there was a gathering of people who all had attended my Chiropractic College. And it was the Last Such Meeting !! No reason given in the dream for why it was the last meeting.

    1. I wonder if it's because we won't need chiropractors soon, with med beds...?? That would be wonderful...!

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing Sierra. Love Annette

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  6. This is my 2nd try at making a comment here! Here we go again.......

    On a personal basis I feel that the "Event" & the "Ascension" are two different things, and in this would have to agree with Blossom's latest channelling from the FOL.
    I have always felt that the Event is a wave of Light (in whatever form) that sweeps across our Earth & humanity and helps to (hopefully dramatically!), raise the Consciousness of many.
    Some more than others, as we are all at different levels of Consciousness.

    This Event will allow for much of humanity to "see" with a more expanded view, more of the "reality" that has been holding them in enslavement & steps can then be taken in a new Light & new Consciousness to move forward.
    Many who have prepared for this Event will be able to help those who are left floundering in their new "awareness". However it is also a very individual journey for each & every one of us.
    This Event of Light will I feel be experienced differently with each person, dependent on their preparedness.

    The Ascension I believe comes later, when humanity has become more Light Consciousness & has started their journey of living a different & more aware life on Earth..... which raises the Consciousness more and helps lift the Earth & humanity for a final shift into Ascension & into a new 5th Dimensional experience for both the Earth & humanity.

    1. Thanks for persevering, Peter! I agree with you - the Event and Ascension are two different things. The Event (followed by financial reset etc etc) is preparing humanity for Ascension, which will come later. Humanity needs 'a leg up' to get more people awakened before Ascension, hence the wave of Light. Love and Light to you.

  7. I am not sure, to be honest - I am not familiar with the Rapture in the Bible, enough to comment. Maybe some other blog readers can help...??

  8. I love it! Can't wait to fly again! Love and Light, Sierra! Big hugs!

    1. Jan, I bet we do a lot of flying during our sleep state - all over the galaxy. Wheeee....!! Big hugs to you too.

  9. Ready! I have a "flying car" on my bucket list - lol . . . Hugs!

    1. I loved the flying car reference too - so cute...! Hugs back to you, DD.

  10. So if we haven't had "The Event" yet, do we still keep food next to our beds (not a good practice for obvious reasons) and "freeze our bananas" and such constantly now? Or do we get into this practice after that? And where does this "scare event" occur in the scheme of things? Will The Event be interpreted by many to be a scare event because they are not ready for this new information?

    Has anyone addressed how we should help those who have no idea what just happened once we awaken from these 3 days? I mean, should we take practical steps for these people or immediately try to explain the spiritual aspects, or will we just know what to do instinctively for each person we are trying to help?

    So many questions.

    1. Hi Deb...I will endeavor to address some of your concerns in upcoming posts about The Event - but the short version is, none of us know the answers...! We must continue to have faith in the incoming Light, and all will be revealed in the right timing. Love and Light to you.


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