Did Matthew Perry Predict His Death?

The Matthew Perry story has taken a very interesting turn. Here is a chilling future prediction about his death from Matthew/Chandler during a Friends episode (11 second video).


And this excellent decode from Q drop 1055 about Perry's death. Q's most famous quote: 'Future proves the past'. Once again, the concept of Q and time-travel must be considered.

Died: October 28, 2023
10/28 > 10/10 > 10/55

Follow friends.
Friends lead to others.

In other news, my friend Emma sent me this interesting post (source unknown). Please use your discernment, as always. 

“So Trump took control of Iran, Iraq, Saudi. Guess who's been coming over in the boats guys and filling every single hotel & military barracks up and down the land in America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. IRANIAN, IRAQI, SAUDI MILITARY 🪖. That's why there's no women & kids. They're here to round up & arrest all the judges, police officers, politicians, vaccine pushers, 'celebrities' scum of the earth masonic chumps, ect ect ect......“

Here are my thoughts about the above post. What if it is true...? Sure, there are flaws in the argument. My friend Lance pointed out, rightfully, that there is still a massive wave of illegal [D]eep [S]tate funded migration happening in USA and Europe. But what if the Alliance ALSO has a massive wave of under-cover soldiers posing as migrants infiltrating USA and Europe..? It is vital that we Light Warriors maintain an open mind at all times. Q makes it clear there is a huge amount of disinformation so we swim in the shark-infested intel ocean at our own risk.

Great newsletter from BP at Starship Earth - I recommend reading it right to the end so you don't miss any juicy intel.

Russian President Putin sums up the TRUTH about the [D]eep [S]tate and their involvement in Ukraine and the Middle East in less than two minutes (1' 32" video).

[F[auci was experimenting on the rona virus - shipped in from Wuhan - in Montana. Yes, you read that correctly, and from an MSM newspaper. [F]auci experimented on the virus on US SOIL a full year before the Scamdemic.

Two arms of the [D]eep [S]tate - the complicit MSM and medical profession - combine forces to lie about the jab with such audacity that even hardened Light Warriors like myself will shake their head in horror (39" video).

Two words for this post: Boycott Reebok.

There is a lot to this Anon message.

You have to ask yourselves what a "conspiracy theorist" gains from bringing you these uncomfortable truths? We don't get paid for it, we certainly don't get thanked, we use our own time, we are hated, shouted at, mocked and alienated....at what stage are you going to ask WHY?

As I ate my breakfast in the sunshine, I looked around my garden. It was all planted by me twelve years ago. I have battled to keep it alive through an endless cycle of flooding and droughts. The garden has always felt like a heavy millstone around my neck. Today the burden was replaced with admiration for its abundant beauty. 

That sense of abundance flowed into the next hour. My friend Emma sent me a link to a Tik Tok video that included a picture of Dolores Cannon's book Convoluted Universe Book Five. All these years, I thought she only wrote four volumes in the Convoluted Universe series. I have read those four books over and over. I know passages off by heart and they are BIG books. New (to me!) Dolores Cannon material is like a dream come true. The book has been ordered and is on its way. 

And just to give a sense how quickly we manifest our reality these days...This morning as I walked down my hallway carrying my pot of freshly-made green tea on a little tray, I congratulated myself that I have never spilled it and burned myself. At that precise moment, I bumped the wall and splashed drops of hot tea on my hand. Our thoughts create our reality almost instantly now.

Lots happening, Light Warriors, on a personal level and globally. Most people I know are going through challenging situations - whether relationships ending (a lot of that happening right now) to moving house. 

The word for November is CHANGE. Be prepared. You knew it was on its way and now it has arrived. Embrace all the changes in your life for the golden opportunities they present for your soul evolution.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. From Starship Earth: The Big Picture: "If Humanity weren’t so brainwashed and programmed; if they could think critically for themselves and lose the apathy they could make great change in a relatively short period of time. As it is, they are basically zombies, doing the same things the same ways over and over while helping to keep the cabal’s predatory enslavement system in place."

    1. Justice for #AdamJohnson. He was killed playing ice hockey. The other player high kicked him in the throat.

    2. Wayne, the lack of critical thinking combined with apathy has kept humanity enslaved. I do believe it is changing now as the TRUTH is revealed.
      And I saw the story about Adam Johnson - it is appalling. Justice for him indeed.

  2. Yes...the ability to not question anything is perplexing .. but even the ability to ignore and attack loved ones who attempt to inform
    I rem trying to inform people of c trials and nine 11 I was met with either silence or condemnation labeled a conspiracist ..ridiculed people wanted so badly to believe it was all true so they didn't have to question their perceived reality and also they didn't have to be wrong about it all. EGO protects it all...I say that having been trapped myself by my own ego but in 2012 I began to look into nine eleven Roswell all of it ascension ..c trails it all started to fit into place what was happening ..but to be fair many go to work take care of their families and don't know where to even look now online for answers so much disinfo even Corey Goode came out and recanted all he had said about serving in the secret space programs 20 and back ..yep Dr Salla confirmed it all too he back tracked and said he made it all up! Heck he and Wilcock were a big part of my awakening process. So when that happens imagine how hard it is to show anyone anything..we need divine intervention now waiting on a fake media a corrupt court system corrupt Congress will never happen.

    1. Doug, I followed Corey Goode and David Wilcock too. It takes courage for us to keep going - and continue to trust the Divine Plan - when the people we followed and respected turn out to be not what they represented. In the end, we only have our own intuition to guide us through our Ascension, moment to moment.

    2. I agree completely a bumpy road! Not sure about Wilcock he still has recent videos they are very long like 2 hrs or more and I was bumped to see he and his wife split..he was so tough on here while on the air..sadly he likes attention it appeared to me still great information when I was just waking up not sure now haven't listened to him recently just so long. We keep going


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