Update On [A]rrested WEF Leader

Real Raw News posted this update on the arrested WEF leader. Please use your discernment. However, the information in this article does not surprise me.

Thanks to Maria for sending this post. Once again, please use your discernment.

This is a brief post. I spent the afternoon doing messages in town which included visiting a busy mall and big department store. I noticed the children. There are so many cute innocent children out there, going about their lives. Several times in a queue, a child would catch my eye and smile. In the supermarket, a little girl noticed that I was buying chicken and said that she liked to eat it too.

We do it for the children, Light Warriors. Not a moment of the last however many years you have been consciously on your mission has been wasted. We do it for the children.

Completely different subject... my friend Stephen sent me the link to this article. It is fascinating. 

As a former life coach, I will suggest an exercise based on the information in the article. Think of all the people who have fallen out of your life in recent years. List them if necessary. Do you want to have any of them back in your life..? The people who have disappeared - and you don't want back - are karmic connections that have been dissolved forever.

Conversely, make a list of people you DO want in your life, even those you are still working through karmic issues with. They are proceeding into 5D life with you. This inventory is a useful exercise for charting your progress in your Ascension journey.

My latest Ascension symptom is struggling to find words. Dolores Cannon said that Earth language will become more and more obsolete. During regressions, highly evolved entities always struggle to use our Earth vocab to transmit messages. That's because communication in the higher realms is by telepathy. 

If you get downloads from Upstairs, as I frequently do, you will be used to receiving large bundles of information that do not involve laborious sentences etc. They come as one...I am struggling to find the word to describe it...! Tee hee. They come as an entire package in one hit. And that's the best I can offer to describe it, sorry.

Finally, we are experiencing cloudy oppressive weather in our region. Light Warriors, including myself, are feeling discombobulated and unsettled. In these situations, it is a matter of surrendering rather than resisting. This too will pass. Everything does.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I have one true friend left and she is 3,000 miles away in this construct. I left everyone 3 years ago and boy were they mad. It's just me and my cat JayJ. I am okay with it because when I was around people and doing things with them I felt like I was just an actor and none of my relationships felt real. I can't thank you enough Sierra for sharing this blog with us. πŸ’—

    1. Oh Possum, I so relate to what you have shared. And guess what...my middle name is Jay.
      We are in this together, my lovely friend...!

  2. I once was looking to find the perfect words to describe the downloads and for me the best way to describe it is the language of light and sound because you can feel. hear, see, and know all at once.

    About the children, yes I also have noticed so many cute children and they love making eye contact and they will smile right at you if you smile at them.

    1. Light language. Thank you Indigo, that is perfect...! And I am so pleased you are also having that delightful connection with little children. Aren't they adorable...??

  3. WW3 is welcome as it's part of the plan as the scare event to initiate the ebs get all in their homes .. run those 8hr movies ..awaken everyone all at once. Painful it will be the children and other atrocities committee against humanity like placing aids in polio vaccines for Africa back in the 80s. All has been by design. We need all to awaken so we can unite and collectively reach a vibrational threshold to convince source to trigger the solar flash. At least that's how I understand it to be. Israel and Iran are hitting predetermined targets all is scripted per Dr Salla
    No worries let the movie's final act begin! πŸ“½️πŸŽ¬πŸΏπŸ‘

    1. Doug, we just have to remember that it is FAKE WW3. It will seem terrifyingly real to the 'less aware' and they will need all our reassurance. This was necessary to awaken humanity. Love and Light to you.

  4. Anael...the fact that you are so concerned about this situation shows how much you love them. I believe that LOVE is what connects us. You love them, they love you. It might be that some gentle physical distance is needed until the SHTF - and THEY finally know what YOU know.
    Meanwhile take comfort from the fact that many Light Warriors are in your situation. It's a matter of unconditional love and patience for just a little while longer. Hugs to you.

  5. We have been surrounded by masked people with smiling faces are whole lives and I don't mean COVID masks. You are not obligated and it sounds like you are moving to a new realm that they are not choosing to venture. Let alone what the quakcine has done to alter them. I grew up like "Leave It To Beaver" and out of the five of us my Mom was a true friend and protector, thank goodness. She lived to be 92 and passed in August of 2018 very consciously. She said I have had a great life and it's my time to transition and she shut her body completely down within 3 weeks. It was my honor to spend the last three years with her and we partied. I comprehend now that she knew to leave before the scamdemic. That would have really pissed her off. She was totally against the vaxxes.

  6. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Thanks Caroline, love your purple hearts...!

  7. Possum, your mum was a great role model and Light Warrior. She is watching the action from the bleachers now, cheering us on...

  8. Yes Sierra. I happen to know that she has a position on our ship and looks thirty years old now. πŸ›ΈπŸ’œ

  9. The last words she whispered to me were, "we well see each other again." πŸ˜‡

  10. Possum, I feel that she is always around you in Spirit. Love transcends the physical, as we know. And I am hearing that she doesn't like 'missing out on the action'. Hugs to you.

  11. Wow! Thanks Sierra! Hugs πŸ’œ
    Mom 'missing out on the action' is her humor because she definitely is in on the action from onboard. Thanks again for the heads-up.


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