Telegram Post: White Hats Controlling [B]iden

Stephen forwarded me this excellent post from News Treason (Dave) on Telegram about [B]iden and what will happen next...

 Do you see how we all still fall for narratives without thinking? 

It’s not a criticism, everyone does it at times. Decades of programming aren’t going to disappear overnight.

But, IMHO, the folks who believe the MSM narrative that the “Democrats are going to switch out Biden” in the election simply aren’t thinking.

It’s should be VERY obvious that the White Hats are the only ones who could switch anything. And simple logic should prove that point. 

Let’s think about it. Put yourselves in the Democrats shoes…

It’s 2021-2022. You control the House, the Senate and the White House. A very large group of people in the World see “Biden” is cognitively-impaired. His approval ratings are crashing by the day and every action he takes is serving to expose your criminal Cabal after 150 years of secrecy.

Why didn’t they “swap him out” then? When they could have simply pulled a Nixon-Agnew and kicked out Biden and Harris and used their power in the House and Senate to slide in anyone they wanted?

Had they done that, it would have given them two years to re-brainwash the public into thinking Newsom or Big Mike or whomever was the greatest thing since sliced bread and cruise to an easy reelection for a second term. If they had control, Trump would have never had a chance to win back public opinion and they’d have zero risk of losing the election.

But they didn’t do any of that.


Instead, they waited another 18 months and allowed Joe to completely self-destruct and turn into the greatest Red Pill in human history. They lost the House in 2022 and “Biden’s” approval stands at a record low for a sitting President.

And now, ostensibly, the “Democrats” are going to switch out Biden?  Now?  Now that the whole world is taking about it?  They’re going to switch him out at a point where EVERYONE will see the obvious corruption and manipulation in such a move?  Now? When 5 states are past their ballot deadlines?  Now? When it will be clear to the public that any move they make reeks of criminality?

They’re doing it after allowing Biden’s antics to give all the power back to the one man they can’t allow to win. Trump.

Is this how YOU would have handled it if you were the Democrats?


Is that how you would handle it if you are the White Hats, you’re running a counter Psyop to wake up the masses and want everyone to see the corruption exposed as it happens.

I choose the latter.


And I believe it should be obvious to our movement.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


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