President Trump: 'I did not concede'

This is one of the most important messages President Trump has ever given us Light Warriors.

Relentless Truth has summarized the main points of the full interview.

- He made it VERY clear he hasn't conceded.

- He made it VERY clear he expects a massive amount of election fraud to be revealed.

- He made it VERY clear that he believes our country is being destroyed, that we are in a crisis and he isn't happy about it.

- He stayed completely neutral on the possibility of being reinstated this year and kept saying "Let's see what happens"...which is exactly how he needs to play it. He even distanced himself from the audit. This can't seem like his operation. However...he knows what's coming.

- Last but DEFINITELY not least was an interesting choice of words towards the end of the interview. Trump brings up a recent Supreme Court ruling that was pro-Christianity and says "I have a Supreme Court..."
To my knowledge, the only person in the country who can claim to "have a Supreme Court" is the active President.
Was it a slip or yet another careful choice of words?

- To finish the interview, Trump was asked if he had any words for the many people around the country who are feeling depressed and defeated right now.
His answer?
It's gonna be a scorching hot summer ðŸ”¥ ðŸ”¥ ðŸ”¥

American Airlines is cancelling up to 80 flights a day due to staff shortages.

The deaths of the young healthy British Airways pilots after receiving the jab is a sign of things to come in the airline industry. Staff shortages will suddenly become a huge issue in many essential industries.

Wow, Cue did say that we cannot tell the people - we have to show them. Check out these sky-rocketing crime rates in Dem-run cities, especially Portland. Appalling.

Major Patriot had a conversation with his doctor which included a chat about the jab.

Doc: Have you gotten the vaccine?
Me: No.
Doc: You should really get it.
Me: I have questions.
Doc: Like what?
Me: For my age, I have a 98.5% chance of not dying from COVID. Why should I get something that is only 60 -85% effective?
Doc: Well, you don't want to get sick, do you?
Me: I haven't been sick in years. I have a strong immune system, I exercise, eat right and take supplements. Besides, the only people I know who are getting sick right now are those getting the vaccine.
Doc: You should really get the vaccine
Finally, this meme brought tears to my eyes, like Pepe the frog.

Hold the line, World Patriots. The pace is quickening and truth bombs are falling rapidly upon humanity. Soon there will be far too many of them to ignore, even for the sleepiest of sleepers.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Yes, many things are falling into place. The defection of Dong Jingwei is Yuuuge! CCP is TOAST! It's just a matter of time.

    Love and Light o ALL!

  2. I absolutely agree with you Mr E. The Dong defection story is HUGE. I will be including a thread on it in today's post. Great to hear from you...!

  3. They're starting to line up for the Saturday rally in Ohio.


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