
Showing posts from September, 2023

Ascension: The Importance Of Knowing Your Values

My friend and blog reader Deb left a comment that I responded to - here is my response... 'It makes sense that you don't feel like having fresh adventures in the dying 3D world. That world has lost its lustre for many of us. We are doing what is required on a daily basis to be here, but our hearts are mostly in 5D. And if that is where our hearts are, that is where WE are...!' (Sierra) As a former life coach, I believe in the value of knowing and living by your core values. Recently I coached several friends to help them identify their core values. This information is so important when it comes to relationships, careers, life direction etc. It tells you who you really are at a deep level.  Recently I updated my own core values list, after being inspired by a discussion with a loved one about her values. I will share my list with you and explain the importance of these values in my life... Love...Joy/Humor...Truth...Kindness...Consistency....Perseverance. I think you will se

Elon Musk Visits The US Border

Elon Musk did what any person with a few clues would do - he went to the USA border to check out the illegal migrant situation for himself. Watch for major [D]eep [S]tate meltdowns after his visit (27" video). Speaking of Elon Musk, Stephen forwarded me these two interesting Telegram messages. Please your discernment, as always. From @D & Frenz on TG   Post 1   Elon posted the Gladiator movie clip above at 8:36pm. It's about harvesting crops in 3 weeks and holding the line. Exactly 1 minute later, he responded to Alx with "3 weeks". Trump tonight discussed how when Biden was raided, he was given "3 weeks notice". Trump repeated 3 weeks, 3 times. Few things worth noting. One, the EBS test on 10/4. Two, today it was announced SpaceX signed a contract with Space Force to help setup their StarShield military communications sy

Valerie Donner Channelings: Apollo And Mira

Here are Valerie Donner's latest channeled messages from Apollo and Mira - they give great insights into our current situation. These messages are excerpts, check the link for the full newsletter. September 29th, 2023 Dear Ground Crew: Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings my beloved family of light. There are many reasons to speak with you today. Much is astir on the Earth and in creation itself. You are feeling this activity on every level. The sun is preparing for a big event. Your body is feeling this with headaches, fatigue, foggy brains, feeling out of body, myriads of emotions, flu like symptoms, confusion, and lack of motivation are just few examples. The old material world may have lost its luster and your mind is challenged to make plans for your future. Does this sound familiar? Our ground crew are particularly affected because of their sensitivity to the impact from the light of creation. There is

Watch Arizona

This is important news regarding the Governorship of Arizona. We need to be aware of progress happening behind the scenes. The Alliance is in FULL control. More important news, this time from the global financial markets - huge Chinese property company Evergrande is tanking. Thanks to Stephen for forwarding me this article. President Trump in the Michigan rally speech:  'Ladies and gentlemen, I have been preparing my entire life for this battle...'  Our Commander-in-Chief KNOWS he took on his mantle before birth (50" video). Me too, Vincent. The on-going details of fake [B]iden's removal are becoming tedious. I am sure you have heard simila

VICTORY in Victoria, Australia

I am opening this post with a celebration of VICTORY. Victorians are celebrating the official resignation of their despised Premier Dan Andrews. Aussie Light Warriors, We Are With You...! (17" video). This is very interesting. JP Morgan has reached a 75 million dollar settlement over their involvement with [E]pstein. Check out the video at 30" - 30 million dollars of the settlement will be donated to organizations fighting sex trafficking. BOOM. Alliance in full control (1' 39" video). The net/noose is tightening around the fake [B]idens. Those two actors really need a pay rise. Dan Scavino with 'storm comms' in a recent post. Bring it on (15" video).   An informative article on the efficacy of high dose Vitamin C in treating serious illness