Alliance Is WINNING

Major Patriot lists the ways that the Alliance is winning the war. 

We are winning on all fronts. We have Congress jammed up, Biden's "domestic agenda" is failing, his international standing is in tatters and his poll numbers are worse than any other President in US History.

The only thing Biden had at all was a positive sentiment from the public regarding COVID. Now, he's lost that. Keep up the pressure deplorables.

Political journalist Brian Cates reports that the infrastructure bill has been shot down.

I'm hearing it's over. Manchin will vote against the infrastructure bill.

The news just gets better and better. CNN Business reports that the US government will run out of money by 18th October according to the Treasury Secretary. Cue financial market collapse. BOOM.

Irrefutable proof that the Vatican is evil - they are not paying staff who refuse the jab.

Slovenia's turn to protest against the jab passports. The tide is turning everywhere around the world.

Only seven of 20 Premier League football clubs have over 50% of their team members jabbed. Sports stars are not stupid - they would never intentionally harm their bodies or risk losing their obscenely-high pay packets.

Here's a decal to put a smile on your face. Warning. Naughty word.

Finally, an Anon had a powerful dream strikingly similar to my own vivid dream where Light came from the sky and everyone was frozen in place.

Crazy New Zealand Mask Story of the Day...

...So my Ceroc dance club is starting up dance parties again this week. Yay! But hear this - we can dance normally on the dance floor but as soon as we get off the floor we have to social distance and wear masks. Shake My Head. Just when you thought it was safe to get back onto the dance floor...

Keep smiling, World Patriots. We have got the [D]eep [S]tate on the run. They are scattering in all directions and tossing each other under the bus in their mad rush for the exit.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Wow on that dream !!! What was yours?

    Amanda Grace new video she saw a vision of a person so tall she couldn’t see their face, wearing a white robe and holding a Bible in their right hand. Then started swinging the Bible to get a momentum going..

  2. Loving it!! Stay strong...tomorrow is October 1. Red. October.

    Love and Light, Sierra!

  3. Tarot By Janine on You Tube did a great video on Red October. Very interesting...!


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