Putin: End of US Dollar As Global Reserve

Top billing goes to Putin signaling the end of the US Dollar as global reserve currency. Cue (Q) the imminent collapse of the financial markets after this statement. BOOM.

This CNN story proves that the MSM is in a major panic. They are being forced to report the TRUTH about Hunter's laptop. 

There is a realistic chance this could result in federal charges, then of course we'd be in unprecedented POLITICAL territory, not just legal territory - a situation of potentially having the Justice Department prosecuting and trying to imprison the son of the President..' (CNN)

Tucker Carlson from Fox News interviewed Tony Bobulinksi, Hunter [B]iden's former business partner, in October 2020. Bobulinksi made it clear that Joe [B]iden knew all about his son's corrupt business dealings and LIED. The TRUTH has been out there for a long time, ignored by the rest of the MSM - until now because their back is against the wall.

Australian Liberal politician George Christensen tells the TRUTH about the jab in a parliament sitting. Listen to the hecklers trying to shut him down. Christensen is a brave Light Warrior.

The Australian Government is finally admitting the jab is deadly. They are paying funeral costs for people who died due to jab adverse effects. Yet, even though they ADMIT the jabs are deadly through this move, they are still not banning them. Murderous intent, still in place and super clear.

A reminder of the staggering list of adverse effects from the Pfizer jab - so many they are listed in alphabetical order.

More TRUTH, this time about Will Smith's fake slap at the Academy Awards. What do you know, Pfizer benefits directly from that little bit of fakery. They are promoting their next corrupt money-making venture, aided and abetted by the [s]atanists in Pedowood. People with alopecia do not have stubble on their head. Jada shaved her head to create the charade. Sickening.

Relentless Truth lists the many way the mainstream media has promoted the [D]eep [S]tate agenda.

The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory - it is the very real agenda of the [D]eep [S]tate. There is a World Government Summit currently taking place. Look at the first thing the spokeswoman says. A commenter below the video noted that it is a World Government Summit, not Governments (with an s).

I am not sure if this World Economic  Forum video is genuine - but even if it is not, the WEF has made their intentions towards humanity very clear. This video telegraphs their desire to freeze our bank accounts during a cyber attack and an extreme weather event. No surprises here. Note the breezy bright music. Chilling (excuse the pun).

Finally, I have featured this evil soul-less person before but we need to always remember WHO our enemy is. We are fighting a war that most people on this planet are unaware of - but WE know. Light Warriors know.

Thank you lovely blog readers for your loyal support of this blog site. I feel confident every time I write a post that it will be received with loving respect. I am most grateful to you all for creating such a safe online environment for all of us to share.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. You are welcome, Doug...! Love and Light to you.

  2. Sierra, my dearest light warrior, I am so very grateful for your blog. You have answered so many of my questions, raised my spirits with your channeling, and given me hope. Many nights I have read your musings and information and was able to sleep peacefully afterwards. Blessings. ❤️🙏

    1. Thank you so much for this wonderful comment - I am very pleased to be there for you. It brings me joy to know that this blog can shed Light into lives on the other side of the world. I am doing the research and writing to make sense of everything for myself! I have been seeking the truth in life since I was a child. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  3. Hack this, Yuval! ⚒️

    Love and Light, Sierra! Thanks for all of the links! 💖

    1. You are most welcome, Jan! Love and Light to you.


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