MSM Is Switching Sides

Interesting development - proof that the MSM is switching sides. Slaves deserting their masters. Spirit always indicated that the MSM would be the last to go, so we are getting ever closer to humanity's liberation from the dark forces.



...And this.

This Stew Peters video is harrowing to watch - so I am warning you ahead of time if you are not in the right space. THOUSANDS of jabbed Canadian children have died suddenly. Some of those children were as young as six. Heart-breaking does not begin to describe it (ten-minute video).

It is very difficult for me to post those desperately sad stories . However, we Light Warrior cannot turn our heads away from the incomprehensible horrors that are taking place around us right now. We must stand strong and be totally unafraid as the TRUTH pours out in a tsunami upon humanity. 

Please, do not go into fear. Our mighty fearless courage is the powerful weapon that is defeating the dark forces. Remember, they are not intelligent, they have no sense of humor and they are cowards - every one of them. That is the TRUTH about the [D]eep [S]tate players, whether they are original, clones or body doubles.

Watch [F]auci talking here just ten days before President Trump's inauguration in 2017. [F]auci smirked as he 'predicted' a 'surprise infectious disease outbreak' during Trump's administration. Remember, the DS has to TELL us what their plans are. Unfortunately, most people are so tightly tied to the hamster wheel just to survive, they miss all the DS cues - which of course is the entire purpose of the DS agenda.

Oh, I could watch this GIF about President Trump over and over and over and over...!

Indeed. Kek...!

I enjoy watching NDE (Near Death Experience) videos as a means of temporary 'escape' from the harshness of the dying 3D illusion. These videos feature people who clinically died and spent time on the Other Side. I am sharing this NDE video because the man gives great detail of his experience. His experience matches my own decades of researching life on the Other Side, and facilitating many regression sessions.

Finally, some house-keeping - I have decided to stop posting daily QTSR compilations. Stephen has done a magnificent job in recent months and I will always be grateful to him. However, it is time for QTSR followers to go to Telegram and see the posts there. I need to focus exclusively on my blog.

Remember, we are creating 5D Earth as we go, Light Warriors. Every smile counts; every kind word matters.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Lmao buttedgeedge another reminder why I love trump though that will of course trigger snowflakes everywhere. Why can't they make trump president forever. Oh how would I not want to be on the left.

    1. Isn't he so funny, Scott..?? Master troller. And, of course, the DS players have no sense of humor so they can't STAND that about him. Yes, the lefties will be in a major panic now, for sure.

  2. Hi Sierra, if you are interested in NDE experiences (as I am, since this was a kind of spiritual discovery for me many years ago) you may be familiar with the works of Dr. Michael Newton ("Journey of Souls", "Destiny of Souls") where, through regressive hypnosis (and being initially skeptical) he obtained a lot of information about what happens in the journey of the soul when it is not incarnated. If you didn't know it, it will fascinate you 😊

    1. Hi Ric...You and I are definitely on the same page. I own both of those Michael Newton books and have read them so many times in the past twenty or so years, they are falling to pieces! I also have nearly all of Dolores Cannon's books. These two people, plus Brian Weiss, did superb work in the regression field. They inspired me to become a regressionist myself.

    2. Gosh, Ric, it may be closer to 30 years that I have had my Michael Newton books. I got his books before all my Dolores Cannon books. I read his books over and over, soaking up life in the spirit world.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It was the books by Raymond Moody that I was referring to, that inspired me and that I read when I was sixteen, about 40 years ago. I'm getting to know those by Michael Newton these days.
      Ah, that we are on the same page, it is something that I already knew, internally 😉. It seems that we walked parallel paths, in the same direction, for a long time 😃
      [I deleted a previous comment because it is not possible to edit what was commented here. I was referring to B. Weiss when actually it was R. Moody. Anyway, later I was also devoted to the books of B. Weiss..

    5. Yes, not being able to edit comments afterwards is a pain...!
      Raymond Moody was definitely THE pioneer in the field of life after death. You were young when you found that material, Ric. I was in my late twenties, early thirties.
      And we have indeed walked parallel paths for many years on opposite sides of the world. It's exciting to contemplate the past life/between lives connections on this blog...!

  3. I heard an audio last Friday about MSM. I shared it with one person on a daily podcast. We both encouraged people in warmer climate to essentially "make some noise" instead of sitting and watching the world go by while the rest of the planet is protesting in the streets every weekend. Perhaps our message went further than we anticipated. Yea, team! Ready for the boss to return!

    1. We are SO ready for the boss to return, DD. Bring him on...!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, it is always lovely to see your purple hearts. You are a steady Light in this community. The world needs a great deal of steady Light right now. Thank you.


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