Tucker Carlson: Pivotal Movie Character

Here is a new video message from Tucker Carlson that ends with 'See you soon...' (short video). Tucker is active on Twitter where he has 50 million views and counting.

An interesting theory from Tucker himself about why Fox has ousted him - they may be planning to sell the network. Hmm, to the Alliance, maybe..??

A reminder from BP at Starship Earth that nothing in this war is at it seems.

When trying to decide who is who in the zoo, ask yourself, "What if everything you thought you knew is a lie?" As we've said for a long time, when this whole thing shakes out we will all be shocked at who is who. We will learn that some we believed were good guys were batting for the other team, and some we believed were the enemy were White Hat plants providing intelligence for the Alliance (BP Starship Earth).

Good grief. It turns out that [F]auci and the NIH funded the Sudan bio-weapon lab too. I will be so glad to see the end of this madness. Quite frankly, it is getting boring. Yawn.

I had never heard of Jerry Springer but after reading this article about his television show and his recent death, I can safely say that the world is a better place without him.

Kat posted President Trump's recent promise to prohibit child sexual mutilation in all 50 states.

πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ President & Commander-in-Chief DJ Trump
Manchester, NH 4-27-23
“Does anybody really believe what’s going on in this country?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Ghost Ezra
Once you understand their “god” is TRANSGENDER
the Baphomet
[pagan & Freemason devil idol w/head & feet of a goat
& sexual organs of both genders]
you start to understand WHY

πŸ“Ί @ disclosetv
NEW πŸ’₯ One in four high school students in the United States
identifies as "homosexual, bisexual, or is currently
questioning their sexuality."

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
Trump says he will ban child mutilation in all 50-states.
When you boil it down to just one simple thing it's this:
They are coming after the children
& the next generation, it's a demonic agenda,
& Trump, God & Patriots are standing in their way πŸ’₯πŸ•Š

@ PepeMatter

My lovely friend Bill gave me the recipe and ingredients to make my own HCQ (hydroxychloroquine). It's very simple to make and tastes yummy if you use pink grapefruit, which are sweeter.

Homemade HCQ/Hydroxychloroquine

9 cups of water
3 pink grapefruit skins, chopped
3 lemon skins, chopped
Bring to boil in a big pot with glass lid. Simmer for 3 hours and let cool for over two hours. DO NOT lift the lid or you will lose the quinine. Strain and bottle in GLASS jars, not plastic. It can be frozen. Take 2 tablespoons daily in water.

Finally, I believe that Tucker Carlson is a pivotal character in a movie that already has a mind-boggling number of twists and turns. The depth of confusion is getting extreme. That's why we need to step away from the intel and watch a comedy or go for a walk. De-frag friends, and do it often.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Recipe sounds great, but as I'm diabetic, grapefruit is definitely off the menu.

    1. Hi Leander - yes, grapefruit doesn't work for anyone on medication. Fortunately I am not on any medication.

  2. "...we need to step away from the intel and watch a comedy". Several Laurel and Hardy movies are here: https://www.youtube.com/@LaurelAndHardyShow/videos . And W.C. Fields in "The Golf Specialist" (1930), and "The Pharmacist" (1933).

    1. Great stuff, Wayne - you can't beat the slapstick humor of Laurel and Hardy. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Love your comment about Jerry Springer. They aired him everyday and he was all about exploiting and dramatizing people’s heartbreaks. He actually made a million dollars an episode doing this…Maury Pauvich is another one like him that needs to go.

      Interesting about making hydrochloriquine. I was making this drink using organic lemons and grapefruit to mimic lemon cello without alcohol…tastes yummy. Had no idea that it was hydrochloriquine! I was drinking it straight up with a touch of maple syrup. It tastes like an expensive liquor, lol.

    3. Hi Indigo...Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by how yummy it is...!

  3. It has really surprised me that hydroxychloroquine comes out of grapefruit and lemon. Thanks, I take note πŸ‘
    (I've started following Tucker on Twitter 😏)

    1. Good idea to follow Tucker on Twitter, I might do the same...!


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