Cue: 'These People Are STUPID'

Starship Earth's latest newsletter is full of information and intel, as usual. Recommended reading.

Like BP, I read the RRN article about the former IRS director captured by the White Hats - here is the link.

I agree with BP - the article is humorous and I did have a chuckle. As with a previous RRN article, this article illustrates the arrogance and sheer stupidity of these [D]eep [S]tate characters. Who suddenly buys several multi-million dollar houses and a super yacht all within a few weeks on less than $100,000 a year salary...? It is a blessing that the DS losers ARE so dumb because it makes them easy to capture.

Cue: 'These people are STUPID.'

If you are new to this blog Cue is code for (Q), the military insider website that started on 28th October 2017 to inform Light Warriors about what is happening behind the scenes. It was/is a God-send. Here is the link to the website. There are nearly 5000 'drops' containing valuable information - heavily coded - about the Alliance operation.

The agonisingly slow machinations to remove [B]iden the actor from the WH grind on...This Fox News segment discusses the damning testimony of Hunter [B]iden's former business partner-turned whistleblower Devon Archer about Joe [B]iden's business dealings with Burisma (1' 38" video).

Even the MSM is tired of the show dragging on and is now outing the [B]idens. ARREST them already!


Kat re-posted this Juan O'Savin message about Speaker of the House WHEN [B]iden is removed. Many Anons have speculated that President Trump could be back in office very quickly as Speaker.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Juan O Savin

If you put Harris in there
& she ends up not being President
& we end up in a big legal quagmire
who would be the next person in line?
Speaker of the House.
If you’re a Democrat
do you want McCarthy as the President?.
They would love to get rid of this bad imagery with Biden,
the scandalous payoffs, THE BIG GUY,
but IF they get rid of him
Remember the Speaker doesn't have to be
one of the ELECTED representatives
only someone that is AGREED UPON by all House members.
So you’ve established a pathway
where you COULD put Trump into office.
If Biden’s out
Harris is coming in
& she doesn’t qualify to be President
[because of her birth & criminal background]
so you could do that challenge to the Speakership
& have a replacement on very short notice.
[Trump! πŸ˜ΉπŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ]
πŸ’₯ & 2020—IT’S NOT OVER YET! πŸ’₯

Vincent Kennedy endorsed this Clandestine post with a reminder to 'Connect the Dots'.


Some humor for light relief - I believe that Clint Eastwood is awake to the TRUTH.

Finally, I have been thinking a lot about Jennifer Hoffman's description of being 'tired and wired' (in a previous post titled 'Article: Intense Energy'). I do believe that I have been living that way for the last ten years. I only properly 'defrag' when I walk in the morning, spend time with friends, or relax with a DVD in the evening. Otherwise I am often 'tired and wired'. 

It is that same on-going flight or fight situation you experience when you are in a war zone. And make no mistake - wherever you are in the world, you are living in a war zone. This is the final battle in the Alliance operation to liberate Earth's humanity. We signed on and we will see it through to the end.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Douglas Macgregor: "One out of every five adults in France is a muslim. The French are fighting a very dangerous battle inside their own country for their survival as a people, as a culture, as a nation. I hope they can win that battle."

    1. Thanks Wayne - France is definitely fighting for its freedom right now.

  2. I feel the same as you Sierra “Tired and wired”. When I try to nap it is 5 to ten minutes and that is all I can do. In regards to Wayne’s comment about 1 in 5 people in France being Muslim. It is interesting to note that due to all the wars conflict in the Middle East, many powerful lightworkers are born there (very high divine feminine energy) so that they can hold the light in those areas. It could be a possibility that many of these light holders were needed in France due to what is currently taking place. China also has many powerful light holders. I see beyond the physicality of people these days and try to feel how I feel around them…learning to discern energy. We have been conditioned by the MSM to stereotype races and I don’t buy into that.

    1. Indigo, thank you for this very insightful comment about race and culture. We need to remember that underneath our varied colored/shaped 'meat suits' we are all God's children, born of the Light. Unity consciousness is returning to Earth...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline - I am very grateful for your support.

  4. I like Eastwood's meme. I have often heard that the new generation (Gen Z?) is referred to as "snowflakes" because they "melt under pressure"! 🀣 🀣

    1. Fortunately there are some amazing young Light Warriors out there who are as strong as steel. They are our future.


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