Valerie Donner Channelings: Apollo And Mira

Here are Valerie Donner's latest channeled messages from Apollo and Mira - they give great insights into our current situation. These messages are excerpts, check the link for the full newsletter.

September 29th, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings my beloved family of light. There are many reasons to speak with you today. Much is astir on the Earth and in creation itself. You are feeling this activity on every level. The sun is preparing for a big event. Your body is feeling this with headaches, fatigue, foggy brains, feeling out of body, myriads of emotions, flu like symptoms, confusion, and lack of motivation are just few examples. The old material world may have lost its luster and your mind is challenged to make plans for your future. Does this sound familiar? Our ground crew are particularly affected because of their sensitivity to the impact from the light of creation. There is a huge push right now for the ascension of the Earth. This is why much has been done to your physical bodies, and all of your bodies right now, in preparation for higher consciousness. Part of this process is letting go of the old and, most particularly, releasing fear. Fear is an impediment to your ascension, so I suggest that you consciously move to new creation and higher thoughts, if fear enters in to your mind. I want to assure you that the light and all of creation are working together for your ascension. They have thought of the details that are necessary for you to blast into the light. You are the light and the light is blasting into you. You radiate this light and every day there is more. Sometimes you may feel as if you are in a suspended space, drifting and wondering where you might land. I assure you that you will land exactly where you are most needed and where you will be the happiest. This long journey of separation is almost complete. Stay attuned to your heart and your inner guidance. Celebration is close at hand.”

So dear ground crew, are you resonating with what Apollo just told us? In actuality, there's so much more to say. The process is complicated. And a lot is occurring in the quantum realms. All of your energy fields are feeling what is going on. I want to remind you that the hard work you have been doing all of these years is over. Now it is a matter of focus. Where are you putting your thoughts? The material world is falling away. You must focus on self-care and listening to your bodies. Let the distractions go and focus on the light and the positive wonderful New World you are creating.

What are you doing to raise your frequencies? What are you doing to release the past? Are you giving yourself time away from the distractions? Are you cultivating new friendships with like-minded people? Are you finding things to do that bring you happiness and joy? Even though we are in the thick of it, we need to focus on the joy in our hearts and what is bringing that.

We are at the precipice of massive change. The controllers of the world are no longer in charge. This opens the way for many new opportunities to live without corruption and fear. Imagine living without the financial stress, because that is our future. In fact, the playing field is being leveled and everyone will have an abundance of money. People will have everything they need so there will be no necessity for crime or taking things from others. In fact, the new quantum financial system is based on higher consciousness and frequencies. We will be living life the way we were meant to live. We will be free.

Although some are spreading fear about October 4th with the Emergency Activation System,” here in the U.S., it doesn't mean we have to buy into it. Some people have created potential harmful scenarios but in our new reality this does not have to affect us. Divine intervention happens and I believe this is true in this scenario. Some have suggested we turn off our phones that day for about two hours. Here in the U.S. that would be about 11:00AM to 1:00PM Pacific Time. I don’t know if they are doing this else where? We have spiritual tools to get us through everything. Here are some of these tools:

Meditation, nature, telepathy with like-minded friends, Source, the Masters, angels, archangels, the Light Alliance, the galactic’s, prayer, the ability to focus on what we are creating, knowing we have authority over our body, our strength and courage, the power of the light within our hearts, the truth within our hearts, the Earth, grounding on the Earth, our innate intelligence, empathy and sensitivity, our open hearts and our abilities to help others, our awareness and higher consciousness.

We are living in and creating a new world.

It is possible that we could have a short period of time without the Internet, our phones and computers. Think about what resources that you have to get you through something like this. This is also when we can practice our telepathy visualizations, practice remote viewing, and stay in faith in Source, being confident that we will get through this. This could be the time when we move into free energy, receive quantum computers, quantum phones, and other new technologies that will serve us better than what the controllers provided for us and charged us for enormously.

In the past we have been taught to believe such statements as: “You get what you get.” “It is what it is.” “What is done is done,” etc. These are disempowering statements that made us feel like we were victims. I would like to propose we use new affirmations like: “We create what we create.” “ We are powerful beyond measure.” “We are the light.” “We are one with all.” “We live in love.” “We always have choice.” “We create with our thoughts and our intentions.” “I believe in magic and miracles.” “The universe is self correcting.” “I live in love, not fear.” “There is a solution for every problem so there is no need to stress about things.”

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council Through Valerie Donner September 29, 2023

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are busy covering all of the events that are occurring right now. We are diligent and are looking out for the entire populace on the planet. We are bringing it all home, for home is where you need to be. We will make certain you will get there.

We are pleased to see that there is more disclosure about our presence on the Earth, as well as, around the Earth. This will assist in helping people to become more aware of their galactic family, for it is time. You need us and we need you. We have important work to do. We have advanced technology to share with you that will make your lives easier. The Earth will be pleased because the new technology is quiet, like some of your cars. The technology will not run on gasoline. It will use clean and free energy.

You are in for some powerful changes that have been long awaited. In the third dimensional material world everything was about money. Technological advancements were not welcome. Healings of disease were unwelcome. Many have suffered and paid dearly due to greed and selfishness. When you move in to the New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness, you will live from the heart. Choices will be made for the benefit of all. You will find remarkable treasures that have been buried in the Earth, along with many secrets from the past. Knowledge and information about your true history will be revealed.

Many of you as children believed what you were shown in comic books and other means of communication. You knew it in your heart, therefore, you will not be surprised when the true knowledge is delivered.

Time is moving faster and faster. You are awakening to your greater gifts. Due to your new consciousness and awareness, many portals are opening. This will help facilitate the new changes that will be brought forth. We are working at an accelerated pace so that humanity can shift easily and quickly into the higher consciousness. Many ground crew are already residing in the fifth dimension. They have joy and happiness in their hearts and have learned to rid themselves of fear. They are staying positive and setting examples for others to follow. It is easier than you might have thought to be in this higher consciousness because you are ready. You have been preparing for a long time. You are also weary of the old fears and thought forms. They are obsolete. So now you are easily moving into the new because you have done the work. You are happy and hopeful as you take charge of your new creations for your New World. This is truly a major step forward for your New World.

We are looking forward to the time when we can meet you face-to-face and learn more about you and your planet. We also can't wait until you can come visit us. It will be delightful for us to take you on our ships and to show you how we live. Many of you have lived before in the Pleiades. Life is easier here. We do not have the stresses that you have had to live with, so I am sure you will enjoy yourselves when you come for a visit. We are masters of harmony and peace. We also like to teach our techniques for higher consciousness after planets ascend. You will see what I mean.

I am pleased to be sharing with you today and sending my love to all of you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council.We are with you!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Replies
    1. I completely agree with you, Doug - inspiring, indeed...!

  2. This is the quote that resonated with me the most: "The old material world may have lost its luster and your mind is challenged to make plans for your future." I've been feeling like this for a while now, but with my husband's passing, people seem to just expect me to want to go off and DO something else with my life, and I just don't feel like anything in THIS world (the 3-4D world) is worth putting the effort into. Not that I'm despondent; far from it, actually. I just don't fall for all of those typical distractions that catch so many others. I would much prefer to watch things (On TV or YouTube) that make me laugh, think or learn... with the occasional sprinkle of what's supposedly happening in the world around me (and this blog helps with that as well). Life is much simpler these days and for the most part, I'm okay with that, if not a bit lonely, as I've yet to met anyone from my soul tribe in person.

    1. Deb, it makes sense that you don't feel like having adventures in the dying 3D world. That world has lost its lustre for many of us. We are doing what is required on a daily basis to be here, but our hearts are mostly in 5D. And if that is where our hearts are, that is where WE are...!

    2. So sorry for his passing I hope now he is helping us all just like my older brother only 57 he died of cancer ..he was vaxxed and we didn't agree on much these last few yrs but he is now able to help us as well. We know nobody dies of course they transition back to the non physical but it's still hard isn't it. Take care

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline, so lovely to see your purple hearts.


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