Ascension Thoughts Update

This morning as I ate my breakfast, I contemplated the last few days where I got unexpectedly triggered and experienced a deep emotional reaction. I thought to myself, 'If I can experience something as upsetting as that, with all my decades of spiritual growth, what hope is there for the 'sleepers'...?

Then it hit me like a thunderbolt. The 3D paradigm has gone. It is over. 

We have lost our 3D playground of millennia, a place where we have incarnated over and over to grow, learn, laugh, cry, bond, separate - you name it. No wonder we are currently feeling a whirlpool of emotions, including inexplicable fear and grief out of nowhere.

We who are ascending are now completely in the void. 

We are not standing on the threshold of the void between 3D and 5D anymore - we are IN it. The 3D paradigm has vanished and the 5D world is not quite fully in our grasp yet. This is a time of heightened discombobulation with no immediate relief in sight.

When I allowed the full extent of the awareness that I have left 3D behind forever, and I am now fully in the void - I felt relief. Tremendous relief. It's over....! 

There was a huge release of tension, like a sigh that goes for hours. I realized that I can fully surrender to this marvellous news, allow it to sink deep into my bones. I started to feel genuine peace for the first time in a long long time.

As I sat with this insight, I started to feel excitement too. So many pieces of the puzzle had just landed into place all at once. Finally, an explanation that makes sense of the almost incomprehensible.

I realized, too, that I need to forgive myself for my recent turbulent emotional episode. It was a purging, a releasing of very old energy from multiple past lives. Some spiritual teachers recommend that we treat every emotional trigger as a gift, one more to tick off the list. If so, my most recent gift was enormous, resplendent with a giant bow.

Blog reader Cosmic Custodian said that grounding exercises aren't working anymore. I have thought about it often since he said it. Now I understand WHY they are not working: THERE IS NOTHING TO GROUND INTO....! It is a fact - grounding is redundant. We are free to fly into 5D any time we want.

This morning I chatted with two lovely Light Warrior friends, Walt and Ged. Walt said that everyone around him in 3D is saying the same thing about life: 'It's got to give...' 'Something has to boil over...' They are acutely aware that the current systems and institutions are completely broken, even though they don't understand the what/why and how of it.

Here's the thing - all it needs is enough of the Collective to say 'This isn't working anymore...' and poof! - 3D will vanish. That is the point we have reached, Light Warriors. We have finally arrived at the 3D Vanishing Point. The Collective has SPOKEN. The Universe has responded to the call of the Collective because of the Universal law of freewill.

I am sure there will still be wobbly moments ahead, quite a few actually. We Light Warriors signed on to see everyone across the 5D finish-line so we still have some work ahead of us. 

If you listened to Allison Coe's superb regression in the previous post, you will know that many are choosing not to go forward into 5D. 

I feel that is the case in my neighborhood. It seems like a ghost town. Most of my elderly neighbors have 'checked out' in some way already. Some of them are enduring serious health issues most likely due to the jab. Also, I am noticing that a lot of pets are departing the Earth plane, as predicted by some channelers. Several much loved dogs have died in my area in the last few months.

I will end with three words from my friend Ged from this morning's chat...
Trust, Trust, Trust.


And finally, this beautiful meme from blog reader Jaci.

You are almost there, Light Warriors. Hang in there. 

We knew it would be darkest just before the blazing 5D Light. We are the bravest of the brave (even if we don't feel like it sometimes...!). We WILL prevail. We have signed on to the end.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thank you Sierra. Halcyon days; so beautiful. Love Annette

  2. I should probably quit while Imma head. DJT didn't approach me first. It was HSretoucher on old Twitter...before I was deplatformed.

    1. Dave, with the greatest respect, I ask blog readers to only comment once per post, so everyone gets a fair chance. I have read all your comments here but I will delete the rest. Thank you for understanding. Love and Light to you.
      PS By the way, if QTSR is Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, I would love it...!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I listened to Allison’s regression video today, and after I finished, I felt so many mixed emotions. I decided to have a conversation with Divine Mother about all my feelings, and just vent to her. It probably took me a good half hour to speak to her about everything, and it helped a lot. At the very end, I thought aloud, “Is it really going to end soon, Divine Mother…?” Tears welled up and overflowed, and I felt such relief and gratitude. I kept thanking Divine Mother over and over. Also, about the difficulty grounding, I have always found it difficult to stay grounded, but it has gotten even worse recently. I anchor my energy tether into the solar core of Mother Gaia every morning, and I know it helps, but it seems to be less and less effective in keeping me from feeling floaty and dizzy. I basically just keep doing it because it helps keep my energy flowing more healthily. It also allows me to anchor higher energies into Gaia’s light grid. This revelation about 3D reality being completely gone and drifting in the void makes a lot of sense.

    1. Anael, I feel floaty and dizzy a great deal of the time. I have decided to surrender to it instead of resisting. I think that's where a lot of my exhaustion comes from, the resistance. Thank you for sharing your conversation with Divine Mother. It was beautiful. Hugs to you.

  5. I enjoyed Allison Coe's video as always. She has such a soothing voice & is so good at asking questions from all angles. I feel that many of us here can also identify with her clients' past lives so I'm feeling that we also heal by listening to the videos as though we undergo the same BQH session. I'm noticing the same things as you (of many elderly people and pets leaving this planet) yet many who are still around are pretty attached to the 3D paradigm & completely unaware that systems are breaking down (blissfully ignorant :)). I'm also witnessing the mass influx of wealthy migrants & MNCs like the Big Pharma & IT Giants setting up HQs in my country, to the extent that true locals have become the minority. The overcrowding is real...I cannot imagine they are just "filler people" as mentioned by AC's client (lol).

    1. JN, that is a lovely way to look at it - it does feel as if we are undergoing Allison's session too. I love Allison's soothing voice. She is so clever, reading out the two parts...! Hopefully she will do some more videos for us to enjoy.

  6. I do wonder who can ascend as the # was quite small per her video. Not how I envisioned it happening. I saw solar flash awakening almost all them 3 subsequent waves allowing everyone 3 chances for 5D earth that was how it was always explained. I hope billions can ascend that's what this entire shift is about a massive shifting of humanity I thought.
    If being triggered means releasing negative energy I am busy all the time purging 😂👍
    We shall see lots of qhht sessions s and all seem to vary about how this will unfold. ❤️🕯️

    1. Doug, I was not concerned with the numbers - which are the same as dates. These kind of details can only ever be guessed at, ultimately. Let's wait and see what unfolds. Love and Light to you.

    2. Sure...I wake up check your blog and it says.. "see you all on 5D earth" LOL that's actually crossed my mind...all the people I follow are gone's all good a lot of info may be told to help spur us onward what is a bit troubling is in a year or so..I've heard that since I awakened 🤔 its interesting because AC had a client It was a guy and his qhht was so vivid saw the flash him and his brother were helping people who were stunned he had said before flash mother ships or arka landed and people not read were put in a trance state to board their ships to be taken to another planet those that remained experienced the flash the boarding was in late spring the flash early summer. Dates are tough but then again higher self shld be quite knowledgeable too. All we can do is keep holding the light so glad you mentioned being triggered I have felt so out of sorts lately nothing I do gives me any real relief just going thru the motions ..take care my NZ friend and thanks for all you do!! ❤️ & 🕯️

  7. I also enjoyed the session very much. And I got a physical feeling of oh wow! When she was describing her form.
    Just the night before I had a dream where I saw a few of those blue light beings landing across the street from where I stood but they were busy going somewhere and I waved once they passed by and one of them looked at me and waved back and I got so excited that I started waving with both hands ! It was a good feeling :)

    1. So lovely to hear from you Aron.
      During the regression I facilitated at the April Solar Eclipse, my friend channeled in a group of Blue Beings. Their energy was beautiful - gentle yet humorous. It was such a delightful session. I didn't want it to end. I think the Blue Beings are playing a big part in Earth's Ascension.
      Thank you for sharing your dream, so cool....! Love and Light to you.

  8. Thank you Sierra🌟
    Today is my birthday #73!

    1. 73 what an auspicious #!! Happy Birthday!!

    2. Have a very special birthday today! Namaste 💜💜💜💜💜

    3. Bouquet your way! Happy Birthday!

    4. Happy Birthday, Caroline.....!! I am so happy to share your special day with you, my lovely friend. I look forward to celebrating your 74th birthday with you in person when I come to the States next year. It is on my manifestation list...! Love, Light and hugs to you.

    5. Happy Birthday Caroline! Wishing you vitality, infinite love & pure joy each day! Love to see your purple hearts.

    6. Sierra that will be a grand day!🌟

  9. Happy birthday Caroline, with love and light from DK🕊💙🛸

  10. Allison's post gave me so many good ideas to use. One, of course, is about really sending light all through my body. Then I asked that every fear I have be turned into the light. Many other things really resonated with me. And, of course, so do your posts, Sierra. I feel floaty and dizzy a lot, too. Also buzzing through my body almost like I've put my finger into an electric socket! I love to read everyone's comments they are so helpful. Love and Light, Betsie

    1. Betsie, I so identify with the feeling of having put my finger in a light socket...! I have that buzzing feeling go through my body quite frequently. Also last night while I was lying in bed I was absolutely certain I felt an earthquake. My younger daughter was staying the night, she didn't feel anything. And there was no quake at all registered on Geo Net. That sort of thing is happening to me all the time. It's a rock'n roll time on the Earth plane these days...! Love and Light to you.

    2. It's comforting to know that you get that feeling, too. I really felt it last night and today. I always check the Schumann Resonance and it was spiking all last night. Solar flares affect me, too. Enjoy your daughter's visit!

  11. Replies
    1. Love it, Biggdrum. Absolutely totally LOVE it...! Thank you, my friend.

  12. Grounding problems stemming from having nothing to ground to makes a lot of sense. I was thinking about that and kept feeling the increasing importance of balance. In 3D it was easy to live in our bottom 2 chakras and become over sexualized. Or become very cerebral and aloof and live in our top 2 chakras. Both extremes were a way to avoid facing the pain and blocks around the heart. Just like it was easy to be a tea-totaller, or have a bunch of drinks, but not one or two beers. Try eating just one delicious chocolate chip cookie and not the whole plate or avoiding them totally. I guess like the Buddha said, "If the lute string is too loose or tight it won't play, it must be in balance". I guess what I'm saying is somehow our new grounding is through the heart. Not sure I fully comprehend it, maybe someone else has the next puzzle piece... 🧩🤔♥️?

    1. Congratulations on losing weight and improving your physical health Anael! As I've aged (now 43) I've found it takes a lot more dedication to stay in shape than it used to. Balance in everything seems so critical. Years ago all I wanted to do was meditate. But it took me completely out of this world and was just another means of escaping. Guess we have to face all our wounds and fears eventually...

    2. CC, I totally over did meditation and had to quit because my 3D life wasn't working. Everything needs a balance like Anael says. Good for you Anael on your health and healing journey. 🤗

    3. Possum, reassuring to hear I wasn't the only one who did that🙄 😎. I do miss the profound peace, but even the meditation didn't help much in breaking down heart walls... I guess that entails willingness to feel the pain yet not wallow, but transmute and move beyond.🦅♥️

    4. I love this conversation, my lovely friends. Balance. The BIG B word is absolutely vital right now. When I was a life coach in my previous life in this lifetime, I said to my clients: You can live by one word alone on the Earth plane: Balance. I still believe it to this day.
      I am a recovering alcoholic with addictive tendencies and I know myself extremely well after 40 years of self growth. If I need to eat some chocolate, I will eat it. If I want to go shopping for clothes, I will go shopping for clothes. I don't deprive myself of simple pleasures. That all or nothing way of life is not fun - life is hard enough....!!
      Balance is the way to navigate through Ascension. Hugs to you.

    5. I ground by staying as present and in my body as much as I can, being mindful of my task at hand or my thoughts. Of course it is always a work in progress for me.

    6. Yes, JN, I am the same. Being fully present moment to moment is the best strategy for Ascension. It comes highly recommended by the Ascended Masters and Galactics...!

  13. I haved listened to a lot of music, rock, classical, folk, (even jazz sometimes) since I was a kid but in the last couple of years my joy of listening to music has almost disappeared, especially recently. I'd rather listen to the silence in my livingroom or to the birds when they sing. I have stopped drinking alcohol as well; I want to be as aware as possible, even if it's painful at times, if the solar flash should occur. I just want to be as sane as I can. I like to help people if they ask me for help and be as friendly as possible. I guess it's because I have this idea, that life is now and I don't want to waste a single moment as long as I'm here. Maybe it has a little to do with age. I'm 60, so not as young and naive as I used to be, but I think that it has to do with the 3D matrix that is gone. My joys of music, alcohol, chocolate (which I really loved) and watching movies etc. seem to more or less belong to the 3D world that I can no longer connect with or at least only visit it momentarily. So I think that I just want to be as awake and aware as possible and not be absent when/if the shift happens. It can happen anytime I think. Maybe this will change for me some day, but I'm not sure🤔🕊🛸

    1. Torsten, soooo understandable. Although I am enjoying this man's music immensely.

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    5. they are all deleted. These comments took up too much space. Sorry to waste your time

    6. Torsten, I am always happy to see your comments. I try to answer all comments but if you are in a conversation with other blog readers, I tend to just let all the comments in the conversation thread go unanswered. It's your conversation, not mine.
      I apologize - I think I did miss responding to one of your comments today. Today was an extremely busy day for me, Sunday, I had my daughter with me. I ducked in and out and answered comments as I could but it seems that I missed yours.
      You are welcome here. Love and Light to you.

  14. Feels like it's time to let everything go, physical & mental.
    Free as a bird.
    Be a No-mad.

    Shine on :^)

    1. Free as a bird, Pip. Let's fly......!!
      Shine on, my lovely friend.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why did I write anything in the first place? Just a waste of time it seems..!

    2. Torsten, please refer to the above response from me. I had a very busy day. I do my best with responding to all comments but I sometimes miss one here and there. Please do not take it personally, it certainly is not meant to be.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hello Sierra It feels I have been in the void (i like that) for a little bit and you just helped me realise that is where I was, and Happy Birthday Caroline

    1. Great to hear Ar hie...! We are in the void together. Let's enjoy it.

  18. Two quick things. First, I experienced FEAR this week for the first time in a long time. It was when I had foolishly decided to go to an ER for the pain in my right knee. I didn't stay long, but it was long enough for my blood pressure to really spike, until I did my breathing and slowed it down. (I went to a health clinic after that, as I only wanted an X-ray.) I knew then I could conquer any fear from now on. The second thing: I'm finding it easier and easier to just sit outside and BE. It's like a craving. And Nature seems to respond to me when I am doing that.

    1. Hi Deb. I had a similar experience recently. I went to a doctor, first time in many years, to check that my cough was not pneumonia. She wanted to take my BP. She took it several times because it was a bit high and it went higher and higher....! I told her it was because the band was too tight and it was unpleasant. No more BP checks for me.
      And yes, I too am craving being outdoors, I am with you. Love, Light and hugs to you.


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