Welcome to September...!

It is 1st September here in New Zealand. 

Welcome to....'a September to remember'...! Thanks to blog reader Finn for that stirring motto for the month. I am sure we will remember September 2024, Light Warriors.

Here is one event that is being widely predicted for September. Remember, if President Trump IS put into prison, it will be part of the Alliance plan to awaken humanity. Watch this space.


President Trump re-posted this Elon Musk TRUTH bomb.

Speaking of our Commander-in-Chief, he has been blitzing the Q comms in recent re-posts.

This one is for blog reader Doug - great news from his state of Idaho.

If you have small children or grandchildren,  it would pay to closely vet the Disney content they are watching. This summary of the evil Disney movie Monsters Inc is a TRUTH bomb. Pass it on (one minute video).

A bit of fun. No hints. Enjoy (1' 53" video).

Finally, we had a wild thunderstorm here last night. The thunder and lightning went on for hours. Today the air feels electric and it is hard to settle into anything. I have been trying to write this post but keep jumping up to do something - one distraction after another.

So....I will end it here because I think the energies are telling me to keep it short today...!

This mission is not for the faint-hearted, Light Warriors. It has been a while since I have written this mantra, but it bears repeating - a lot...

We are the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. Many volunteered, only a few were chosen. YOU are one of those chosen few. And you are not alone, ever.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Watch the fun video of the King of Denmark visiting Norway. He sails in the Oslo Harbor on the Danish royal yacht Dannebrog. Then the Norwegian royal yacht Norge shows all the signal flags to greet the ship. Crown Prince Haakon sails on the royal boat and boards the ship to welcome his friend from Denmark.

    Then two royal boats bring the royals to the docks. King Frederik steps on the dock and the people cheer. The two couples, King Frederik and Queen Mary, and Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit, greet each other again and this is wonderful to see. It is great to see these two countries united in friendship like this.

    "King Frederik X of Denmark on state visit to King Harald V of Norway 2024"

    1. Bhaktivedanta Swami: "So everything depends on the king's accepting the absolute instruction of God. In Vedic civilization, the king was absolutely following the regulation given by God, and it was confirmed by saintly persons, sages. If the governments all over the world take Kแน›แนฃแน‡a's instruction, then every government will be perfect and there will be no disturbance of peace and happiness. That will be perfect world."


    2. I have a feeling that Frederik and Mary are White hats or at least independant from the dark cabal, that they are true royals, like King Aragorn in Lord of the rings. I hope it's true. It would be very good for Denmark if they are. I really hope that they are good people, a real king and a real queen. They look very friendly to me.
      Love and light from DK๐ŸŒง๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ–

    3. Wayne and Torsten, it remains to be seen which monarchs (if any) are of the Light on Earth. I will wait until more evidence is revealed. Meanwhile, we can trust the Divine Plan. Love and Light to you both.

    4. Hello Sierra
      From what I have heard and read is that you can't be a royal without being part of the evil cabal. In 2003 or so, george (b)ush went to DK and celebrated his birthday with the royal family. After then many things in the country started changing for the worse. I can wonder what activities took place later in the evening when the cameras were turned off..So, I think that there's a chance that he (Frederik x) may have made an agreement with the white hats to help removing the cabal from power. But it's only a guess of course. An other guess is that the royal family has been removed already and the ones we see now are actors working for the Alliance. We can only wait and see.๐Ÿค”
      Love and light from laye summer DK๐Ÿ›ธ๐ŸŒค๐Ÿ–

  2. Thanks for the Idaho shout out!
    I am glad formal legislation was enacted to protect biological women! The sad part is of course is the fact legislation is needed to enforce common sense.
    I can't imagine Trump being arrested but we need that scare event and we need scotus to announce that decision on the Brunson case. ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ“ฝ️๐Ÿ“ฝ️๐Ÿ“ฝ️

    1. Hi Doug, yes I agree - it is unbelievable that legislation is needed to return to basic common sense. It shows how warped the 3D matrix has become, and why it must be dismantled.
      Plenty of action lined up for September. Bring it on...!

  3. There is a recent video of a "black pill" alt-media guy filming inside a NYC civilian hotel and asking why civilians were moved out and the NG moved in. Of course he was shown the door. I got a good feeling while watching and my first thought it is to protect Trump. ๐Ÿ“ฝ๐Ÿฟ
    Thanks Sierra! ๐Ÿ’—

    1. Possum, I would love to see that video, if you have a link. Great stuff...! Yes, the National Guard being positioned in NYC hotels is such a reassuring sign. We are very close now.

    2. I racked my brain trying to figure out where that video is to no avail. I didn't like the black pill journalist and the pushy and disrespectful way he was behaving. The black pillers just don't get that there are good guys too.

    3. Try this link: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=245591 I think this is what is being referred to.

    4. c, bingo. That is the video. Thanks!

    5. Yay...! Thanks Possum and c. It was a great team effort. I look forward to watching it.

  4. Anyone else seeing totem animals IRL or in dreams? I saw a fox a few days ago standing on a kayak on the beach in broad daylight! Super rare! Had a vivid close up of a bald eagle in a dream last night. Not sure the meanings, but gotta be a good sign! ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคฉ♥️

    1. Wow, CC, seeing a fox would be rare enough - but standing on a kayak...??? Could it BE more obvious....??? Love your dream about the bald eagle, my totem bird. It's funny but I was chatting with friends in the weekend about foxes, strangely. It has to be a sign....!

    2. CC, I ever dreamt of myself together with a few people walking on an empty field towards a tree full of vultures sitting on the branches, but the vultures are not attacking us. This dream was about 6 months ago. I still do not know what the dream signifies.

    3. JN, I was thinking that the vultures could represent the DS who have become powerless to attack us. You and the people walking towards them unafraid represents VICTORY of the Light. Great dream...!

  5. Monsters Inc...wow scaring children to harvest their energy / adren a chr ome right there in front of us!! Of course I didn't pick up on back then but after I learned about this a-chrome I was sick inside having actually shown this movie to my children.
    Of course.the people who are really doing this are monsters and I hope our special forces are providing them the lead therapy they so desperately require! ๐Ÿ”จ

    1. Doug, I too have felt sick about the movies and books I exposed my daughters to when they were children. Pinocchio is the story of child sex trafficking/Epstein Island. And Friends, which we loved to watch, is a [s]atanic series. We didn't know. We do now.

  6. A friend of me and my wife has been doing her own research for some time but she only believes the intel she finds herself on the msm and the internet. If I try to tell her something I've read, she says, 'no, I don't believe that', but now today she said, 'why is the information always so one sided? It's always only the same opinion we hear. Why
    mustn't we hear other opinions but always only the same?", as if she has begun noticing that there are a lot of censorship in the media. She even said that covid was planned and people were manipulated to take the jab. The interesting thing is that if I or my wife say the same, people stop listening, but if she says it, they listen because she is just beginning to wake up to the truths that we, the 'old lightworkers' have known for so long now.
    CC, before I went to bed yesterday, I was standing outside and I heard two or three foxes talking to each other with their fox-voices and I thought too that it was a sign of something๐ŸฆŠ
    Love and light ๐Ÿ•Š๐ŸŒค๐Ÿ›ธ

    1. Torsten, what a treat to hear fox voices...! It seems that foxes are the theme of this post comment section.
      Interesting that people will listen to your wife because she is recently awakening but not you. Maybe they are embarrassed and ashamed....? We know that forgiveness and compassion will be necessary for the recently awakened.

    2. Hi Sierra
      It's not my wife they listen to, it's our friend who is beginning to awake. Sorry if it wasn't clear in the comment...๐ŸฆŠ

    3. Sorry, Torsten, my mistake - I just re-read it...!

    4. Cool that you heard some foxes Torsten. I know they are supposed to be sly and tricksters. Anyone have any deeper insight what they symbolize? I don't know much about totem meanings...

    5. CC here is an explanation about the fox https://www.spirit-animals.com/fox-symbolism/. This looks like a great website to look up lots of animals.

    6. Thanks for the link Possum. I started digging around and found spiritanimal.info with some very detailed descriptions also. Fun and deep subject!

    7. Totem animals are very significant. It seems that fox is the animal of the day on this blog...!

  7. Everything is in flux!!!
    Resist scare tactics.
    Shelter in place!

    My latest communicate!

    1. Thanks Mr E. Comms received and understood. Hunkering down, my friend...!


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