Blossom Goodchild's latest channeling of the Federation of Light/Bananas is very exciting. 'The end of these dark days DEFINITELY is in sight...' (Federation of Light) Enjoy. (Blossom) Morning Chaps. It seems I was not the only one to be completely zonked out by the incoming Energies last week. Are you able to offer any info on this, please? (F of L) Good morning to you, Blossom and Each One who finds themselves happily visiting these conversations. We Welcome you and we have Good news. Really? I didn’t expect you to say that! By all means … Fire away. Thank you. In past days it has seemed that there was no end in sight. The Divine Plan gave the appearance of a continual carrot dangling in front of the donkey, as your expression goes. Well, we are now able to reveal that the end of these dark days DEFINITELY is in sight. WOW. That’s great to hear. Although, let’s not bring the word ‘Soon’ into this. I am sure you understand why. We do, Blossom, as we smile. So, what exactl...