Public Justice Is Coming
NZ mainstream media reported on President Trump revoking the security clearance for [H]illary [C]linton and [K]amala [H]arris. When I look at the accompanying pic I see two body doubles in the background - Bill and Hillary - and an actor wearing a poorly fitted mask in the foreground masquarading as [K]amala. This short video is an eye-opener. No hints. Please use your discernment, as always. We Light Warriors KNOW that public justice is coming (one minute video). Regarding this intel, I am only the messenger. Once again, please use your discernment. Be prepared for the 17 cities 1 event scenario. Join Ezra A. Cohen Indeed. Blog reader Deb included this information in a comment today... 'Our internet provider has just informed us that every night for the next week they're going to have "pla...