
QTSR Telegram Posts: 18th October

Here are the QTSR Telegram posts for 18th October. The posts include a post from yesterday's QTSR posts. Thanks, Stephen. Post 1 As the EXPOSURE of Diddy and EPSTEIN moves RAPIDLY closer keep your eyes on celebrities leaving the United States. .. BEHIND THE SCENES>]; In the UK private investigations are happening connected to the music industry ( This means... In DUE TIME the U S. Music industry corruption and human trafficking sex Networks is going to cross with UK entertainment industry... And EU entertainment industry....I have told you these events were going to happen and sealed indictments are happening abroad... Timing is everything) It's very unfortunate lots of deaths. Accidents and suicides ( staged) will happen in this time as deep state will start trying to silence witnesses and celebrities. ____ Try this word Scrambble MINOS WELLCO Post 2