The World Is Not Ending...
Continuing my theme of upliftment... Here is an inspiring message from Kejraj from Era Of Light. Thanks Kejraj. 'The world is not ending. What is coming to an end is the darkness in the world. All the low energies which no longer serve humanity are to be transmuted and or released from Earth, as she and humanity awaken from the nightmare, and enter a reality which most have not even dreamed of. Please, be patient and stay heart centered. You are in the final days of struggle and imbalance. What awaits you is a whole new world and beginning of love, peace, prosperity, and unity...' ~Kejraj Always remember that the Alliance operation, on and off planet, is working very hard to liberate humanity. We Light Warriors have all suffered in the line of battle - and that includes our Commander-In-Chief. He recently made this statement... ' Over the past eight years, those who want to stop us from achieving this future h