QSR: 1st May
New QSR from Telegram for 1st May. It seems that the Alliance purchase of Twitter will unleash a STORM of truth bombs, from all directions. [B]iden's 'Ministry of Truth' is the [D]eep [S]tate's desperate last ditch effort to hold back the avalanche of truth. As I have often said in the past, it's the equivalent of trying to stop the path of an avalanche using a teaspoon. >)WIRES: HUNTERS LAPTOP, ] DURHAM [, PUTIN UKRAINE EXPOSURE > CONNECTED TO DNC HRC , ......>>ALL CONNECTED TO>>>[ TWITTER ] TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER [TWITTER]+[TWITTER]...... PANIC 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 /// Booms in route 💥💥... +World deep state CABAL Elites trying desperately to bring down Twitter and ❌ CANCEL ✖️.... [ FAUCI ] Where We Go One We Go All. Love and Li...