
Showing posts from June, 2023

Further Historic SCOTUS Rulings

The USA Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is on a roll. Their latest ruling blocked [B]iden's student loan forgiveness scheme. They also voted in a separate case to limit LGBTQ protections. These two rulings join their recent ruling to ban race as a factor in college and university admissions. The Supreme Court also voted to uphold religious freedom rights for employees. Alliance in FULL control. Thanks to Stephen for this extraordinary story from Australia. Liberal Democrat MP John Ruddock is a Light Warrior politician - the best kind. His parliamentary maiden speech was banned from You Tube, unprecedented in Australian history. Here is the transcript of his full speech - where he tells the TRUTH about [C]ovid, President Trump and Julian Assange. We...

Historic Supreme Court Ruling

This is HUGE news. The USA Supreme Court has ruled that US colleges and universities can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for granting admission. Let's hope this move is picked up by other countries. Here is a new trailer for the powerful child sex trafficking movie  Sound of Freedom.  This is one of the most important movies ever made. Please pass this trailer on and go to the movie when it opens in USA on 4 th  July.  'God's children are not for sale...' Actor Mel Gibson endorses  Sound Of Freedom  (23" video). Meet a true hero - USA 1st Lt. Mark Bashaw. He walked away from his 17 year military career rather than be jabbed. As he said in this video, he is far from alone. Que said it wouldn't be saf...

We Do It For The Children

As we go about our busy daily lives, it is easy to forget that a huge part of the Alliance mission is about rescuing the children. Take 1' 40" out of your busy day to watch this little clip from the child sex-trafficking movie  Sound of Freedom  due out on 4 th  July - it is guaranteed to bring you to tears. While the Alliance is busy rescuing millions of sex-trafficked children around the world, their fake puppet USA President (played by several actors) is busy doing what he does best - being a total dork to help awaken the sleeping masses (14" video). It is clear that he is wearing a mask for those with eyes to see - his face is so taut it looks as if it might snap. Thanks to Stephen for forwarding this BioClandestine Telegram post. It confirms something we Light Warriors have always known - military tribunals on an international scale are the ONLY way to bring down the [...

Ramped Up Military Activity

Many intel sources are talking about ramped up military activity in USA and Australia. I am sure it will be happening in other countries too. Keep your level of preparedness high. We don't know what might happen next - but I am certain there will be no warning. Thanks to Stephen for this QTSR Telegram post... The MILITARY movements through the U.S. Has increased the past days especially on the Western fronts as several Military flights turn off all military trackers . _as I have stated last week Benny Johnson and MonkeyWERX were wrong in saying nothing was happening and was just normal NG training ..... NOW_ Monkeywerx is giving a warning he wouldnt want to be in California due to HEAVY military movements. > I had WARNED these were not MILITARY training but strategic movements and positioning for a Military event. _NOW Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova stated in her channel that Russian plane flew to the USA. To pick up Moscow's Foreign Ministry and says : "Let...

Proud Young Russians

Opening this post with a delightful little 25" video from Russia. Look at that room full of beautiful young Russians, joyfully singing that they are proud to be Russian. Firstly, no other young people in the world would be proudly singing about their country right now. Secondly, notice how there are no obese, heavily tattoed and/or transgender people..? This is what young people USED to be like before the [D]eep [S]tate destroyed our youth. A great summary of the 'Russian coup' from Clandestine. Clandestine @WarClandestine ยท Jun 25 Not a drop of blood was spilled, traitors were lured out, Ukrainian/Western propaganda machine was exposed, and Wagner ended up within 100km of Kiev. If you think that was a happy coincidence, I have multiple bridges to sell you. Check out this short video (14") where [B]iden tells the TRUTH to a group of powerful political leaders about selling 'a lot of state secrets'. Note Indian ...