23rd March

Cue has always linked the number 23 to PAIN - and Cue has referred to March MADNESS. The date 23rd March could be the beginning of Ten Days of Darkness. Watch this space.

WhipLash 347 on Gab...

Was just checking all Military Comms
See U.S Army.
Booms en route 2moro.
Which is Tuesday
The Delta's are massive for 23rd.
Tuesday China too
Don't think we ever had so many serious comms warning of the Big Event on Earth.
Dear Daniel @WhipLash347 US Army's brilliant comms [BOOMs]! Check this decoding💥 💥 💥 BOOMs en route tomorrow ->TUESDAY!! (Mentioned in your post - d1120)
I was an early-adopter of the notion that John Kennedy faked his own death to help the Alliance destroy the [D]eep [S]tate who murdered his father. I took some flak for my early stance on this issue, but I didn't mind. I was confident that it was true. And now it is common knowledge among Light Warriors that he is alive and deeply involved in the Alliance Plan.

Having said all that, I do agree with Doq Holliday's Anonup message about JK on social media. Anyone with John Kennedy's level of involvement with the Alliance would be working strictly undercover - for now.

For all of you that are being misled...
I'm almost 99% sure that if JFK Jr were on social media, he wouldn't be promoting himself as though he were JFK Jr.
What part of thinking logically have you not figured out yet?
Also, a 'good man' doesn't boast in his own personal identity.

This article presents a fascinating theory of Donald Trump, JFK JR and Princess Diana collaborating in faking deaths and taking down the [D]eep [S]tate. Please use your discernment.

Finally, I love this summary from BP at Starship Earth about the Alliance Plan.

The White Hats have played a brilliant game and what has been unfolding is like the most sizzling, edge-of-your-seat, un-put-downable spy-mystery novel on steroids. Toss into the mix the actors, masks, voice modulators, and Hollywood special effects, sound stages, green screens and space-age technology and you have a very convincing show designed to gradually educate the millions who are unaware that the dark cabal has been deceiving us for such a long time that Humans are completely unaware of what reality even is.

The level of disinformation out there is sky-high. Please use discernment for every bit of information - especially when the source stands to gain financially from your receipt of it. There is a staggering amount of intel freely available from countless sources online - no one should have to pay for it. I have never paid money to anyone for the intel used in my posts, and I have never made any money whatsoever from my post writing in all these years.

© Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included https://stargatenewsletter.blogspot.com/ and the post is included in its entirety.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
