Bank of England Tweet

Is the Bank of England telegraphing the big reveal of the Quantum Financial System...??

Cowboyw2b with an excellent Cue proof involving POTUS and the Mickey Mouse clock. Love it.

Just a coincidence 😉


Cowboyw2b again with a March MADNESS delta for 10th March - lining up on the Cue clock.

9.11 lines up on the Qclock tomorrow.
Coincidentally, Q#911 has a 3 year delta TOMORROW.

"March MADNESS."


A great Cue decode by Major Patriot on Gab.

Look at what I found.

Secretary of Defense approves the request by the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard to remain in DC until May 23, 2021

FUN FACT: Biden Inaugural Security agency Checkmate is BASED IN WASHINGTON DC.


Finally, from Ghost Ezra. If your patience is wearing thin waiting for big changes, imagine how these two men are feeling...

You think you've waited a long time.

Direct intel is hard to come by these days. That's GOOD news. It means the Alliance is working diligently behind the scenes getting the job done. President Trump WILL be back, World Patriots. It's a fact.

Hold the Line. WE'VE GOT THIS.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

