Clone Chat

 Scroll down this link to the three Prince Charles photos. The first clone from five years ago doesn't look anything like the original Charles - and the second clone from a day ago doesn't look anything like the first clone! Interesting theory about the [s]atanists all being filmed in the GITMO library. Please use your discernment.

[B]iden's eye color changes from brown to blue from one day to the next. It's so obvious but does anyone comment? Clearly a clone or body double.

Speaking of appearances, there are recent photos of celebrities like Courtney Cox looking VERY rough now that their [a]drenochrome supply has been cut off. 

Justin Trudeau (BP from Starship Earth calls him Turdeau!) has been photographed wearing an ankle monitor. There is plenty of evidence of [D]eep [S]tate arrests for those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

This Dr Salla tweet describes the new Space Force technology. Remember the Alliance is fighting a battle both on and OFF planet.

Space Force is ramping up its space weapons strategy for fighting the next major war or to police space, says Gen Raymond, CSO. Admits that SF possesses LASER/DEW & "inspector satellites". SF has much more it will secretly deploy in the months ahead.

Finally, this Breitbart News story proves that things ARE happening in the Alliance Plan.

Russia will ban Twitter from the country in 30 days if the platform does not remove illegal content, including child pornography, information on committing suicide, and drug-related content.

An Anon pointed out that the green water at the Trump Hotels could signify 'green for go...' Bring it on!


© Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included and the post is included in its entirety.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thanks for supplying that link. I saw it last week, along with a different one (now defunct) a few months back. I have created a "list" and I'm checking it twice - he, he. You might also like the following site with more of the same []. Enjoy.

    1. Thanks DD. It's great that we can share links and information. The Digital Army has huge power when we share intel with each other.

    2. Indeed. I'm grateful that you have this platform. Websites I had in the past were not too functional. I'll get a new web designer when things move forward. Namaste` . . . DD


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