Some of My Ascension Experiences

 This post was inspired by an email from a lovely USA friend. Deb's email included this line: 'Each morning when I wake up, my body's going, "Not this meat suit again..."

I hear you, my friend. It seems that my 'meat suit' is becoming more uncomfortable with each passing day. I mentioned in a previous post about food challenges. Something I enjoyed eating last week, I can't even face this week. I wander around food aisles, trying to get inspired with new ideas. But ultimately, I just don't care about food/eating etc.

Clothing is another challenge. My body has become sensitive to many fabrics, and I can't wear restrictive clothing. Every morning I think, 'What on Earth (excuse the pun) can I wear today that will feel comfortable yet look presentable?' It's at times like that I wish I could wear my GFoL uniform here on Earth. One day...!

Tiredness - most days I have heaps of energy, but there are days when I yawn so often, I nearly fall asleep in the shower. Getting out of bed each morning is not my favorite thing to do on this planet. Yet by the end of the day I look back and I am pleased that I was productive, in spite of my initial reservations about being 'back here again'.

3D conversations continue to be challenging. They usually end up landing on the V jab subject. I groan inwardly when I sense it coming. 'Dear God, please let's get it over with quickly and move on...' At times like that, I feel very isolated and fervently wish for the company of an enlightened friend.

There are some fun Ascension 'symptoms' - like crazy synchronicities. I am sure we Light Warriors could swap synchronicity stories for hours. Most days I experience some weird little synchronicity that reminds me I am connected to Upstairs and all is well.

Finally, the Great Divide between those who KNOW and those who don't is the most striking thing about life on planet Earth right now. Two years ago, we would never have dreamed that our daily lives would become so fraught with confusion and conflict. The words 'mask' and 'lock down' were mercifully yet to make their loaded appearance.

Thank goodness there is Light at the end of this tunnel.

Thank God for President Trump and the Alliance. 

Where We Go One We Go All

Love and Light



  1. I also experience the tiredness - the yawning for hours even though I don't feel tired, which sounds weird (and feels even weirder). Sometimes I can even lay in bed for hours without actually sleeping, even though I go to bed so exhausted. But it's not because my mind is going too fast, either. I just don't sleep. I've found that listening to binural beats or even just nature sounds helps a lot with that, though. And it seems on the days I sleep well - which are rare lately - I'm even MORE tired. And my dreams are getting weirder and weirder. And at times I can FEEL myself in them instead of feeling as if I was watching them.

    I do love the synchronicities! I see 11:11 and 3:33 and all those numbers often. But it's more than that. I have begun to notice that things I wish for or think about do come to me quicker.

    And karma seems to come back SO quickly as well. One example is my husband helped a cop out of a ditch due to the ice storm we had... and the very next day, he had an issue with someone trying to kick him out of a store because he cannot wear a mask, and the same cop helped him with that.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Deb. I love the story about hubbie and the cop. That's exactly the kind of thing that happens. And I am constantly seeing the numbers - I smile and say thanks every time. Hugs to both you and hubbie - I am looking forward to seeing you both soon, hopefully this year!

  3. Hold the line, everyone! My ears have been ringing for months. SpaceX 17 is scheduled for launch, in Florida, today! I love that number! The launch will complete Starlink. A new satellite internet! Dark to Light!


    1. This is wonderful news, Mr E. Yay! And yes, of all the numbers to choose for the launch. Dark to Light indeed! I will include this information in my next post. Thank you, my friend.

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    2. Hi Vicki. I am SO sorry! I accidentally deleted your lovely comment. Duh. If you could re-send it, I would be very grateful. I would like to have it on my blog site as a record. I resonate with your message about God/Spirit/Creator sending us numbers and signs. I see number sequences throughout the day. I always smile and say 'Thank you'. Like you, I have felt since a young age that I don't belong here - I have always been in observer mode. How people just accept so much that is awry in the 3D world fascinates me. And like you, I am so grateful that Light and Truth are here to liberate humanity. Bring it on! Love and Light to you, my friend.

  5. Hi Sierra - I am a big fan of yours and live in the USA in North Carolina. I too have so many of the symptoms that you wrote about that it made me laugh. I can't eat so much of what was my normal diet because it just doesn't taste good or my body reacts to it (headaches/stuffy head) like I am allergic to it or I just shudder to think of trying to eat "it". I also frequently awaken with my body vibrating very strongly (this has been going on for about a year). At first I thought "what the heck??" but I was already learning about changes on the earth, with vibrations etc and after a while, it was quite normal. Now when I awaken to that feeling, I find it oddly comforting and often smile and murmur "hello Spirit" (my word for God/Source etc). I am so grateful to have found your blog. I always search for and read your messages/thoughts on Dinar Chronicles and today I found your blog listed. Thank you for your hard work, bright and positive attitude and observations of the journey we are all on to move into 5D (and further...who knows!)
    Sincerely, Della

    1. Hello Della Rose
      Thank you so much for taking the time to respond with lengthy feedback. It helps all of us - we realize that we are not alone. It's a surreal experience being out in the 3D world. Yesterday I was clothes shopping, working diligently to find items I can bear to wear. I realized how out of place I am in those shops, with the loud music, bright lights and clothes that I can never wear. Like you, I am training myself to smile and just accept these situations instead of getting resentful. I CHOSE to be here...!!
      I experience the vibrating body issue quite frequently while lying in bed. It feels like the beginning of an earthquake so I always stop and check it out. Yesterday morning it WAS an earthquake!!
      My younger daughter was a camp counsellor in North Caroline years ago. She loved it.
      Love and Light to you.

  6. Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for your balanced and uplifting posts over the last year - they seemed to leap out at me from the Dinar Chonicles blog - I think it was the gentle energy and I took great reassurance from them!

    Who really knows what is happening right now?- I seem to care less and less as at last I am starting to accept the lockdown limitations: when this acceptance comes I know that I am approaching an inner shift which for me is what really matters ( as we all know!)

    A couple of years ago I found that nearly all my clothes were. Impossible to wear, either due to sensitivity or because I had got bigger (wider, not heavier). The sensitivity issues have disappeared but the size thing is still an issue which is bizarre as my weight seems to be decreasing! I also seem to be coming out in spots and blemishes (not usual) and old injuries are demanding attention!

    I hope it’s Asnension and not old age!


    1. Hi Teresa. Thank you for taking the time to write - I really appreciate your feedback. Like you, I am getting detached from dates/outcomes etc. The Serenity Prayer is a great mantra for this time we are in. Acceptance of everything on a daily basis is keeping me sane.
      I am working really hard at present to put together a wardrobe of clothes I can bear to wear. It's difficult when most 3D clothes are designed to be UNcomfortable. I mean, denim. What is comfortable about that heavy fabric that - ironically - originated as dungarees for slaves and poor farmers...?? They made it stretchy but it's still not fun to wear.
      And I am having skin issues too. Strange spots and itches on my skin. Crazy times. Hang in there - you are not alone! Love and Light.

  7. Hi Sierra and Teresa - so good to talk to others experiencing the same kind of "moving into 5D" symptoms. Yes, yes on the clothes feeling awful! I have a variety of "leggings" that use to be so comfortable but now...well, yuck! They just dont' feel good. Apparently spandex and 5D dont' mix well! Also have had some spots and skin stuff and old injuries revisted. I believe they are actually things that are healing and so appearing or reappearing. If I use healing techniques while meditating on them, they seem to be influenced in a positive manner to that kind of energy. Sometimes they take a bit of time to fully heal, but heal they do. Love and light to you both!

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