The Great Divide in Humanity

BP at Starship Earth has hit the nail on the head about the purpose of the vaccine.

It destroys your immune system. That is from a doctor in Belgium who makes the vaccines.

And what will happen when all these weak people are exposed to some contagion? They'll either get sick, or they'll die, and then the psychos will have a real pandemic on their hands. Bingo!

And people willingly went along: "compliance, not science". They fell for it, despite our pleas to refrain because we know the New World Order's depopulation agenda. They've wanted to vaccinate every Human for a long time. Covid is their excuse. Brilliant. Lethal.

Doq Holliday is right - the vaccine is both the symbol and means of the Great Divide of humanity. People who refuse to do their research and blindly follow the MSM narrative are proving that they are not ready to ascend this time around. There is no right or wrong with Ascension - no judgment. People will ascend in their own timing.

The Wheat & The Tares.
It's almost as though the vaccine is the final separation.
All the warnings have been given and promoted and some are too proud and too scared to accept them due to their lack of faith.
If this is all God's plan, it would be impossible for Trump to stop people from getting vaccines anyway.
God is God because he gives man free will.

Doq Holliday again with a succinct explanation of the Alliance Plan.

When you are devising a plan, you start with the finish and ultimate goal you seek to accomplish.
Then you work backwards and reverse engineer everything.


Finally, from Ghost Ezra - a gentle reminder that everything is happening behind the scenes.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening.


Dolores Cannon and Allison Coe's regression clients saw a lot fewer people on Earth when they went into future lives. If people are willingly taking the vaccine, they might be using it as an exit point. They wanted to be on Earth at this extraordinary time, but they did not want to ascend.

Anons are still confident that major events will take place before the end of the month - St Patricks Day is a date that is drawing attention. Whatever the timing, we don't have long to wait.

Hold the Line, World Patriots. WE'VE GOT THIS.

 © Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included and the post is included in its entirety.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Hope you have had a save journey Sierra

    Watch out the next days. It`s like Christmas for us, working all the years, decates long on that stuff.

    We are sitting around the world and looking out for the Christmas presents but we first have to pray be silent and move into our inner world.

    It`s only a short count down pending on the time zones around the world and the light soldiers will be in position to strike back.

    What was going on the last 4 years was only the very begining. The Cavallerie was hiding behind the trees, stay calm and polite and waiting the final signal for the final go.

    The red wave will be a epic wave comming from the West coast through over America and smashes also down the cabal in hold Europe.
    The second wave will come from China and both will overroule the dark and bring each human into light.

    Why China?? Watch out....the Elders are not called Elders by nothing....5 Dragons are already in the sky.

    Great day to all of you and God bless you

    1. Hi ExCop...What a wonderful message! I resonate with your insights, especially about moving into our inner world as we await the final count down. And yes, the analogy of Christmas presents, Christmas Eve, the excitement and anticipation. Thank you so much for sharing your insights. We Light Warriors are in this together, all around the world. Love and Light, my friend


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