EVERGREEN Container Truck Blocking Street In China
It's true - a truck carrying an EVERGREEN container is blocking traffic in a street in China. As Major Patriot says on Gab, when does it become mathematically impossible...?
I received an email from a reader who pointed out that the ship wedged in the Suez Canal is called Ever Given. I mentioned the ship's name in an early post. Most Anons, including myself, are choosing to use EVERGREEN because it is the name of the shipping company - therefore it is accurate to call it the EVERGREEN ship. The name EVERGREEN has huge significance to the Alliance plan because of [H]illary [C]linton's strong connections to [s]ex trafficking. Also Cue has referred to EVERGREEN in drops.
Cue made several references to the movie 'Hunt for Red October'. What is currently happening in the Mediterranean Sea? A Russian submarine is missing and is being hunted. No wonder Cue urges us to eat popcorn and enjoy the show. Note where the submarine submerged - in the Straits of Gibraltar. The name Gibraltar has suddenly become pivotal to the Alliance narrative. Stay tuned.
Now the story gets VERY interesting. Cue often referred to Red Castle in drops. Anons assumed it was the US Army Corp Engineers - there is a red castle in their logo. BUT the national flag for the tiny principality of Gibraltar is a RED CASTLE and a KEY. Many Anons believe the design made by the container ship before it became wedged was a key, not a penis. Gibraltar is the ONLY escape route out of the Mediterranean apart from the Suez Canal.
Remember what Cue said? CASTLE LOCK. BOOM.·
President Trump put out an official message asking the whereabouts of Durham. As Cowboyw2b says in this message, is it a coincidence that the FINAL Cue message was just one word: Durham...?
When the next dominos fall, it will be very rapid. Truth bombs will rain down upon humanity with the disclosure of [s]ex trafficking, free energy technology, off-planet life and so much more. The average person will be reeling in total shock. Be prepared with your compassionate words and plenty of hugs.
Finally, these couples will need a hug when the Scamdemic is revealed to the entire world...
© Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included https://stargatenewsletter.blogspot.com/ and the post is included in its entirety.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
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