News About [H]illary [C]linton

I recommend discernment as you read the Real Raw News article in the link below.  The Alliance plan demands top security. It means that most important events take place behind the scenes. This article outlines the recent military tribunal of [H]illary [C]linton - the outcome is that she will be hanged on 26th April. The information appears credible, however please use discernment. Most Anons, myself included, believe that the real HRC was executed in 2016. If this information is correct, they will be hanging a clone or body double.

Starship Earth has some interesting intel in the latest newsletter.

Scroll down the newsletter for the photo of the EVERGREEN containers on the dock in the Suez Canal. An aerial shot shows the containers arranged into the words Thank You. Once again, please use discernment. It could be a ruse.

Starship Earth has included an excellent blog piece titled 'Why President Trump Has HAD to Endorse These Deadly Vaccines'. The article gives a credible explanation for why President Trump appears to endorse the virus vaccines. He and the Alliance were placed in a difficult situation and had to make a decision that allowed for the least number of deaths overall. Remember, this is a war.

Vincent Kennedy on Anonup has posted a great little video by Bill Maher - he tells the TRUTH about the virus. Love it. I thought he was [D]eep [S]tate. We can only speculate who is Black Hat, White Hat or has flipped.

Cowboyw2b posted a link to a Cue drop that may explain Bill Maher's segment on the virus.

Bill Maher’s sudden change of heart reminded me of Q#2263.


Cowboyw2b also posted the official [C]OVID stats from the WHO. It shows clearly that only 2% of people died.

According to the WHO, of the confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide 2% died.
Finally, check out this wonderful video of General Flynn talking to a crowd. Look what happens when he says 'We HAVE a President...'

We are seeing unprecedented action regarding the mainstream media - firstly the CNN expose and now Bill Maher's extraordinary expose on the virus. It is an excellent sign. It means that their handlers have capitulated. I believe the Alliance will manage the demise of the MSM in a measured way to avoid widespread panic among MSM devotees.

© Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included and the post is included in its entirety.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light 


  1. Dear Sierra, Iam a long -term ight worker in NZ and am very keen to join with others here to help now and in the coming months. Please can you assist me in contacting anyone to start a group or be on a list of loving Kiwis who wish to make a difference. I am a medium/clairsentient.I have recently be studying and learning about the extra-terrestrial and hyper-dimensional beings known by our three letter agencies.

    1. Hi Phil. Your comment accidentally appeared three times so I deleted two versions. That is a tricky question. Firstly, I don't know any groups of light workers as such here in New Zealand. There are groups with light workers involved, but as far as I know, not a single group specifically dedicated to light workers. I am in touch with light workers in USA and Australia, and some in NZ. Our grid of Light is global!
      Maybe another blog reader can help you, Phil. I admire your mission. Love and Light to you.

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  5. Phil...I will pass on your email details to a small email group I have. It's a mixture of Kiwis, Aussies and people from USA. If they want to get in touch with you, they can. Good luck!


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