Pompeo: Checkmate

Mike Pompeo has tweeted a significant message aimed at the [D]eep [S}tate.

Pompeo's tweet aligns with a Cue drop. Cowboyw2b...

Pompeo’s ‘checkmate’ tweet.
Q drop, “Objective [end]: checkmate king”


[B]iden's Twitter account appears to be propped up by a large percentage of fake accounts.

Intel is quiet so I will have a little chat about my latest Ascension experiences/symptoms...

Firstly, sometimes I am very tired. Some days I cannot imagine how I will plod through the day - I yawn so often my face aches. I reassure myself that I must be working extremely hard on the other side during my sleep state to be so exhausted here in the 3D realm. That thought gives me comfort.

Secondly, dizziness and vertigo are a regular feature of my life at present. I have experienced these Ascension symptoms on and off for many years. Lately it's become quite noticeable. I try not to move too quickly otherwise I feel as if I will fall over.

Thirdly, manifestation has become remarkably rapid. Things that used to take weeks to manifest now only take days. Often it will manifest in the same day. This development is exciting. I am focussing on staying in the Now moment and it seems that this almost instant manifestation is a reward for my dedication.

Fourthly, I have read that we are becoming aware of other dimensions. Often throughout the day I will catch a glimpse of something/someone out of the corner of my eye - there is nothing there.

Lastly, when I wake up during the night and look at my watch, I can't figure out what I am seeing. It doesn't make sense to me. It takes a few minutes to understand that the display on my watch face is there to tell me the time. I think, 'Aaah, that's right - TIME.' Then it makes sense!

We live in extraordinary times, my friends. As Cue would say, 'Relax and enjoy the show'.

© Sierra NZ 2021. I am delighted should you wish to re-post this and/or any of my articles on your own or other sites. However, I ask that you please ensure this link is included https://stargatenewsletter.blogspot.com/ and the post is included in its entirety.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I replied to a different message about your dizziness. It's interesting to note #4 above - catching a glimpse of something/someone. I worked in a large building in 1999 and my office was in a quiet area. One day I caught a glimpse of someone standing a few feet away. Yesterday sitting at my desk, I noticed something pass by my office window twice - lol. Wondering - who's there?? DD

  2. I think there are plenty of our higher vibe mostly invisible friends around us these days...!


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