Re: Lin Wood Photos

I received several comments that some Anons believe the photos of Lin Wood in the empty White House are from March 2020.

Whatever the situation with Lin Wood's photos, it is clear by the highly unusual activity in Washington DC that this current US 'Presidency' is not normal - far from it. We can safely say that the empty White House, security fencing and dying lawns has never happened in living memory.

We Light Warriors are operating in the dark (literally). We have access to glimpses of the Divine Plan to liberate humanity - and we only have those glimpses thanks to the extraordinary Q intel. 

Security is paramount.

Countless brave unknown warriors have lost their lives already to save humanity, many of those in appalling conditions in underground tunnels, surrounded by sights that no living person on this planet should ever see let alone experience.

We citizen journalist Light Warriors can only speculate on what is unfolding with the Alliance operation. At times we may get it wrong in our posts, as I have done on many occasions. I appreciate very much when you send me comments, correcting information that I have misconstrued. I also appreciate it when you do it with kindness. Thank you. 

Where We Go One We Go All. 

Love and Light 



  1. A favorite quote I live by....

    The Greatest Power, requires the Lightest touch.

  2. An excellent quote indeed. Agreed.

  3. I've been reading your blogs on Dinar chronicles for a very long time. Love your work. DC will miss you.


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