Watch Russia/Ukraine
There are several big dominos about to fall - could the escalating Russia/Ukraine situation be one of them?
The latest Starship Earth newsletter includes an excellent summary of the EVERGREEN ship situation.
Like Cowboyw2b, now that we are in April - this Cue drop keeps coming into my mind...
Looking forward to ‘May flowers’
This video of French police refusing to arrest people over masks/lockdowns is heart-warming.
The official death toll in Scotland of people who died within 28 days of having the vaccine is horrifying. 2,207 people died in just ONE month (Feb).
The request for the information was made on the 20th February 2021 and asked –
Finally, these two Ghost Ezra Anonup posts explain the Big Picture of the Alliance operation...
I got some bad news for those waiting for the storm to begin. It's begun long ago. We are waiting to wrap this shit up, not start it. True story. Operation wake up stage. Who's left? Not many.
Get your head out of your ass if you think for one minute Trump and NSA wouldn't have brought the heat by now? FISA works both ways. GTFOH. Wake up from dream land. Doubles, actors, cgi, movie. It was over in 2016 for God's sake. 2019 was the year of the boomerang. 2020 Covid storm on Hollywood and DC. 2021 wraps it all up. Welcome to the great awakening. When this is over you just might be looking at your even your own pastor differently especially if he's Joel Osteen.😱
Ghost Ezra is right - the storm began long ago. We are indeed at the end phase of 'wrapping this shit up' as he so eloquently put it. We must constantly remember how much is happening behind the scenes. Just because we can't see evidence doesn't mean it isn't happening - it IS happening!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Love is the only constant! The best is yet to come.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter!
Indeed - on both counts. Happy Easter to you!
ReplyDeleteThank you - bless you!