Events Not Dates

Steve Bannon on War Room let something slip during an interview. He said things need to happen before the August 15th inaug - then stopped. Steve is a former advisor to President Trump. Me thinks it wasn't an 'accidental' slip. But we are wary of dates. As a wise Anon said recently, focus on EVENTS not dates.

Republican Marjorie Greene is such a brave Light Warrior. Love her gutsy stance on the jab.

Pelosi cannot force me -- or anyone for that matter -- to get a vaccine if we don't want it.
She's a wannabe tyrant!

Yesterday I sent a video to friends of young people who now regret their decision to 'play safe' and get the jab after they experienced magnets sticking to the jab site. I went to that video link just now and guess who got there ahead of me...? The YT Gestapo. If the jab is so safe, why the frenzied censorship?

Troop movements are still happening in USA. A friend in Minnesota reports that the National Guard is now fully deployed there. Hmmm.

Remember this is a BIG week astrologically. Saturn the planet of karma turns Direct today. And on May 26th is a Lunar Eclipse plus a Super Full Moon. It is a total Lunar Eclipse which is a rare event. My favorite astrologer Pam Gregory said that it's a time when truth comes into the Light, things come to culmination. She said that it's a re-boot - we are jumping forward in our destiny. Sounds perfect to me. 

Okay, so I said 'Events not dates' - however there are two important birthdays coming up. JFK Senior's birthday is 29th May. And President Trump's birthday is 14th June which also happens to be a Solar Eclipse. The powerful effects of an eclipse can be felt for up to six months later.

I sincerely hope this brilliantly funny video is not taken down before you see it. I love the fact that clever Anons use black humor to get us through these fraught chaotic times. We HAVE to laugh, fellow Light Warriors. If we stop laughing, they have stolen our humanity. Cross fingers for the video link - and thanks to Faith for forwarding it to me...

This afternoon I attended a gathering of like-minded people, fighting the jab here in New Zealand. There is a growing groundswell of opposition to the [v]accine roll-out. I was blessed to make lovely new friends who live locally, including Emma.

Finally, thank you lovely blog readers for all your loving supportive comments. Rascal, I apologize that I didn't get to respond to your very kind comment - I deleted the post and then realized, Oops, I had also deleted your comment.

Thank you for reading this post. You are most welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. i send you this look this vid.thank's

  2. there's a other one vid...

  3. i have a lot of those files in my pc i send you more i you want. thank you... Sylvain Q, Quebec

    1. Sylvain, thank you for your links. I really appreciate your efforts. Much Love and Light to you.

  4. I love reading your blog daily, I find it grounding.. Shine on you beautiful soul. :-)

    1. Thanks Stu. I love writing my posts every day. I am on holiday for a few days, change of scene, but I brought my laptop and portable keyboard. I promise to shine on. Love and Light to you.

  5. Can't stop laughing, and yes, I'm passing it around, thanks so much for sharing with us Sierra, and no worries earlier, so long as you get my gratitude, I'm pleased

    1. It's great that we can laugh, Rascal. My sense of humor is one of my most powerful tools in keeping positive. I am well-known for it...!

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Annette - lovely to hear from you. Love and Light, my friend.

    This is a link to the magnet stuck on Covid stuff. It worked as of 9:00 PM Central USA time zone, Sunday, 5/23.
    Thanks for all you do. Information is power and without it we all suffer a little more.

    1. Thanks Roy. I will include this link in my post. You are so right - Information is Light/power. We must band together, share our information, and take back our power for ALL humanity.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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