Masks Coming Off - And [F]auci Is Toast

Trader Joe's is allowing all customers to shop without masks, and Walmart is allowing vaccinated people to shop without masks. States are not advocating vaccination 'passports' so there is no way of knowing who is vaccinated and who is not. Ludicrous game over.

No wonder USA vaccination centres are now apparently empty - no takers. 'Breakthrough' cases of virus after the person was fully vaccinated? Yeah, right. I think Bill Maher is now working for the Alliance. His 'breakthrough' virus is designed to wake people up to the truth about the fake vaccine.

Great news from (Q) The Storm Rider - [F]auci's team is collapsing and they are 'singing like canaries'.

Wow. Senator Rand Paul told Fox News that [F]auci's bat research at Wuhan may make him 'culpable for the entire pandemic'. BOOM. Curtains for [F]auci.

Meanwhile [F]auci and his evil colleagues were forced to admit that almost half of NIH and FDA staff have REFUSED the vaccine. Hmmm. What do they know that we don't...? Anonymous Patriot on Gab...

I am seeing a pattern here. During the short four months of [B]iden's disastrous fake presidency, the American people suffered in just about every way imaginable. Now the masks are finally coming off as USA heads into summer. And what is scheduled for June/July? President Trump is bringing back the rallies. Millions of happy mask-less Americans will greet their returning hero. What an ingenious movie script!

I love this post from Pepe Lives Matter on Gab.
The magnitude of the boomerang inducing traps that Trump set up boggles the mind. He trapped them with the election. He trapped them with the pandemic. Trump is a genius and nothing can stop what is coming.

The tide is, indeed, turning. The Light is relentlessly pushing out the shadows. However, we Light Warriors know that horrors lie ahead for Earth's humanity when the shocking extent of [s]atanic activity is revealed to all. Cue said that humanity will be shielded from most of the sickening truth because it would be too much - enough will be revealed though.

We Light Warriors hold the ground and loving space as the 3D world crumbles around the unsuspecting human population of this planet. Our mantra will become reality: 'Where We Go One We Go All.'

Finally, a young woman shares a poem she wrote about being trapped in the matrix. It deserves to go viral. Beautiful and brilliant.
Thank you for reading this post. You are most welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Replies
    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you, DD. It seems the Alliance knew that we had to endure this 'Show The People' phase of the operation, otherwise President Trump could not go back in with the full support of the American people. Thank God it is nearly over!

    2. Indeed. Onward and upward. God is in control.

  2. Thank you for keeping us informed

  3. My pleasure, Debs. We are all in this together.


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