Progress Is Happening

(Q) The Storm Rider is in fine form today with a range of interesting tweets. Apparently Starlink, the Alliance satellite system, is green for go...Bill [G]ates may be desperately bargaining with the Alliance...Alice Bailey Lucis Trust organisation is revealed as [s]atanic...and Hugh Hefner was the original Epstein.

Light Warriors will experience shock as lies about their belief structures are revealed. I owned the full set of Alice Bailey blue books in the 1990's. I belonged to several Alice Bailey study groups. I decided about twenty years ago that the material wasn't relevant - I gave away the books and stopped attending the groups. However, I admit that I had no idea Bailey was a [s]atanist, just as I was unaware that Tom Hanks was a [s]atanist. Sobering truths.

Tucker Carlson on Fox News with some REAL investigative journalism about the vax. And what do you know - the video segment was banned on You Tube. That sounds about right for YT.

Florida Governor RonDe Santis is leading the way in the Alliance war against the [D]eep [S]tate. Residents in other states will demand the security and freedom that Floridians are currently enjoying. This movement will escalate quickly.


Why do I get the feeling DeSantis is really saying to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, “please come to FL, so we can kick your collective asses.”

Cowboyw2b again - with a Cue drop connection to President Trump's statement about election fraud. It has been proven countless times that there are NO coincidences when it comes to Cue drops.

Trump posted that the 2020 Presidential Election = The Big Lie
= the greatest Fraud in the history of our Country!

His timestamp = 11:57
Q#1157 = “Has POTUS made a statement found not to be true?”


Major Patriot on Gab with a reminder of [B]iden's record-breaking 80 million vote election win. Note the stats.

Most votes of anyone in US History

Finally, thank goodness for the ray of satirical sunshine that is Babylon Bee. Enjoy!

We Light Warriors can see progress every day if we choose. Whatever we focus on creates our reality, moment to moment. It is possible to keep an eye on the unpalatable intel in a detached manner while soaking up the positive news. Balance.

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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
