All Eyes On [C]hina

(Q)The Storm Rider tweeted about the flooding in [C]hina. This could be a portend for big things to come.

Another tweet from (Q)The Storm Rider about the escalating situation in [C]hina. All eyes on [C]hina.

The long-awaited Durham Report is due out shortly. I wonder if the Cue drop 'C before D' is actually [C]hina before Declas? It is looking more and more like that with each passing day.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is solidifying his position as Light Warrior hero. He has signed a bill that will allow Floridians to sue Big Pharma for damage from the [v]accine. And he has signed a bill allowing Floridians to sue Big Tech. People will be flocking to Florida to live soon.

Governor Ivey has signed a bill banning [v]accine passports in Alabama. She made it clear that the jab must be voluntary and not mandated.

Not to be left out, Iowa has placed a permanent ban on masks now and in the future. It is now a totally mask-free state. The people are FIGHTING BACK.

And Georgia is ready to flip their state election result in favor of President Trump - 30,000 fake ballots have been discovered in their much-anticipated audit.

Are you tired of winning yet...? Me neither.

Today I did some deep soul searching related to contact with my loved ones who choose to get the jab. I decided that there are worse things than death. There is the dying by degrees while still alive due to being engulfed by fear. I am choosing to trust that I am being protected because I keep my vibration high. And I cannot keep my vibration high if I fear hugging my loved ones. So be it.

Finally, I love this excerpt from an article by Sarah Varcas. She gives some excellent information about the eclipse.

It really is time to choose…. love or fear… courage or surrender… sovereignty or tyranny. Rarely have we been faced with such a far-reaching and urgent decision. I can’t stress this enough! We are midwives of the Aquarian Age, right here, right now, in every choice we make, each minute of every single day. We must all play our part in the great awakening. The new age is drawing near.

Stay strong and brave, World Patriots. The many years of waiting patiently are about to be rewarded. It has felt as if this day would never get here but it is very close now.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Love and Light to you my friend.

  2. Hi Sierra, you are such a wealth of information, love and light for all of us. I love reading your blog and thank you for your contribution.

    I found a link to a video in the Operation Starship newsletter today and wanted to post it. Please feel free to remove it if it’s not appropriate. It’s the first news I’ve read that Canada has a new commander in Chief and Trudeau is gone. I have seen you reference the info. In BP’s newsletter and hope it will help awaken our patriot community. Love and light, Ami

    1. Hi Ami. Thanks for your lovely words, I really appreciate it. And you are most welcome to link the Starship Earth newsletter any time. I read it every day. BP does a sterling job of keeping us informed on a daily basis and she is a brilliant writer. It's great news about Trudeau. I am sure there are many DS world leaders who have been powerless puppets for months.

  3. Hi Sierra, my apologies, the name of the newsletter where I found the video link is Starship Earth.
    Thank you,


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