Alliance In Full Control
There are clear signs that the Alliance is in FULL control.
I agree with (Q) The Storm Rider. This Fox News whistle blower was ALLOWED to speak live on air about exposing the corruption at Fox. That's because the Alliance is now controlling the MSM.
Check out this close-up shot of [B]iden at a G7 presser, fiddling with anti-Trump cue cards. Once again, the Alliance in FULL control - otherwise this would never have been filmed up close in slow motion.
Wow. A medical expert explains how magnetism in the jab forces the deadly toxins into every cell in the body. If this little video manages to make it into mainstream, it would end the jab hoax overnight.
Watch the reaction of these Israeli children when they are told they no longer have to wear masks. Heartbreaking.
Stories of people awakening to the truth are always a joy to read.·
Finally, take a minute to enjoy Jon Stewart dishing out giant Red Pill virus truths on national television...
We are WINNING. The Light is WINNING. Allow yourself to feel this divine fact deep in your heart and in your bones. Nothing can stop what is coming, Light Warriors.
In years to come, when your children or grandchildren ask you if you were involved in the final Alliance battle to save humanity, hold your head high and proudly tell them, 'Yes, I was there.'
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
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