[D]eep [S[tate Being Exposed
President Trump has put out a great statement about [B]iden's visit with Putin. Love it.

Senator Marsha Blackburn is calling for Fauci to resign and appear before Congress to explain his connections to Zuckerberg and Big Tech. BOOM.
"I think that it is appropriate that Dr. Fauci step aside from his responsibilities at the NIAID and that he make himself available to Congress to find out exactly how was he in cahoots with Mark Zuckerberg and big tech."
[D]eep [S]tate Pedowood is heinous - particularly because of the way we ALL got fooled by the [s]atanists. Sweet- faced Tom Hanks was a leading Pedowood [s]atanist. The duplicity infiltrated all of our lives. I watched 'Friends' for years and loved it. My daughters watched it when they were young. I felt ill when I realized that the entire cast were [s]atanists. The clues were there but we, the unsuspecting audience, brushed over them. There was a lot of porn in 'Friends' - and they ate a lot of pizza.
I am leading into this tweet by (Q) The Storm Rider about Ashton Kutcher who has portrayed himself as an earnest activist fighting against sex trafficking. I got fooled by his fake tears at a Congress presentation. Note how Amazon is knee-deep in the [s]atanic activity. Who has made a fortune out of the Scamdemic..? Evil to the core.
I have started watching Stargate SG1 Season 10. In the first episode there were several blatant truth bombs. There was a lingering shot of the entrance to a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base). And a main character talked about the Antarctica military base that they used for galactic travel. We now know that such a base exists. This episode was made in 2007.
Major Patriot on Gab commented on a video showing doctors and nurses dancing in corridors during the height of the virus 'crisis'. We saw plenty of video evidence of empty hospitals during that time. His comment makes sense - and it's grim.
It was a ruse to shut out anyone going to the hospital for life saving, non-COVID treatment so they'd die and depopulate the planet.
Finally, a short video of Mexican TV show hosts poking fun at the magnets sticking to the jab site. They were shocked when they unwittingly became part of a truth bomb - live on television. Spoons and cell phones, sticking magnetically to the jab site. Help to make this video go viral.
Hang on to your hats, Light Warriors. It's going to be a wild ride over the next few months. Keep trusting the Alliance Plan. Our Commander-in-Chief is making his comeback.
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Love and Light
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