President Trump: '[C]hina Should Pay Trillions!'

President Trump is making his comeback. Here is a brilliant side-swipe at [F]auci and [C]hina. Love it!

The connection between [F]auci and [G]ates is being brought into the Light. TRUST the Alliance Plan.
Major Patriot on Gab...

Bill Gates name comes up over 2 dozen times in the #FauciEmails
Fauci and Gates communicated. A lot.

Dr Michael Salla tweeted about [O]bama warning about dire consequences of UFO disclosure. The [D]eep [S]tate is setting the scene for their fake alien invasion. We were warned that 2021 was the Year of Disclosure.

Speaking of ET's, Dan Scavino tweeted a pic of the cute little 'alien' ET - but when you click on the Twitter link, oops! It has gone. Of course.

Kim Runner on Gab...

New Dan Tweet - 10:29 pm Eastern...

In a bizarre narrative twist, airlines may be contemplating banning [v]accinated passengers because of the high risk of blood clots. How loudly the almighty dollar speaks. The airlines know that the [v]accine companies are taking no liability for injuries or deaths - and the airlines cannot afford the risk of thousands of passengers dying on their watch. 'Got jab, no more fly' indeed.

Finally, a reminder from Pepe Lives Matter that the Alliance is in FULL control. TRUST THE PLAN.

The Fauci email release is not a distraction in my opinion.
Senators had EXACTLY 17 questions for Fauci.
Not 16. Not 7. But 17.
This told me everything I needed to know.

I am with Pepe Lives Matter. Signs like '17 questions' are HUGELY significant. Remember when the number 17 was just like any other number, and the letter Q was like any other letter...? Me neither. Cue has changed our landscape forever.

I hope it is obvious from this post that my mood is buoyant and positive. I know that we are teetering on the edge of massive events. I am re-reading Dolores Cannon's books to get an understanding of what may be just ahead of us. Even with all my research over many years, I still cannot say what I think will happen.

I am living moment to moment, enjoying the sunshine and my friends. Sunshine in mid-winter is a precious gift, as are lovely friends. Thank goodness for both right now.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



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  3. Bless you for all you do to help us stay calm and trust the plan. I enjoy reading your post in the morning while drinking my coffee.😊❤️

    1. Thank you Kim. Bless you for letting me know. I have never wavered in my trust of the Alliance plan, even before Cue entered the scene.
      Your comment was accidentally published three times so I will remove two and leave this one...! Love and Light to you. I will think of you and your morning coffee...!

  4. Thank you for the reminder of all of Dolores Cannon's books. I have most of them in electronic format now, particularly enjoyed reading 'Starcrash', but like you, they are used mostly for research purposes now. Blessings to you Sierra. Tino aroha.

  5. You are so welcome my friend. I always felt that Dolores Cannon was way ahead of her time. She was quite a character - not being judgmental but she looked like anyone's Nana in her cardies. But the benign exterior hid a ferocious appetite for digging out the truth and sharing it with humanity. Her research in the field of UFO regression work is unmatched. I attended one of her last regression workshops in Melbourne many years ago.


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