Gratitude: It Works

Here is an excerpt from the latest Arcturian channelling by Marilyn Raffaele - it explains exactly what I shared in my previous post about Light Warriors releasing collective sadness. It is an excellent channelling.

You may find yourself experiencing emotional and/or mental issues that seem to arise out of nowhere. Allow them to flow through and out without resisting or giving them power by claiming them to be personally yours and then trying to “fix” them. Acknowledge them (” Oh you again…”) and allow them to move through and out for they are, never have been, and never could be personally yours.

Sandra Walters also refers to waves of emotion in her latest message.

If you felt exhausted or emotional during the magnetic fluctuations during Monday’s stargate opening, you were not alone. This will be consistent, since magnetic field fluctuations have been strong and constant. This affects our emotional fields, which are based on magnetics. Gaia responded with a few strong Schumann bursts. The charts are fun, but they only document the linear correlations.

I have decided to have a major focus on Gratitude. Yesterday I bought a pretty journal and I will write at least ten things every day for which I am grateful. I will do it for ten weeks. It is already working - by 10am this morning, I had eight things on my list.

Years ago, spiritual teacher Matt Kahn said that you could ascend on 100% gratitude alone. His words have always stayed with me. I know he's right. Gratitude opens the door to humility, compassion and unconditional love. Gratitude is the exact opposite to self-pity which I find myself experiencing fairly frequently. Self-pity is not pretty, unlike my new journal.

The most important thing I try to remember - and I am extremely blessed to be reminded of this fact through you lovely blog readers - I am not alone. WE are not alone. We Light Warriors have each other, and we have the entire Galactic Federation of Light and all the Ascended Masters cheering us on from Upstairs. Heavens! It's a massive cheer-leading crew.

I was told once by Spirit that if I could see ALL my guides and teachers crammed into the room with me (at times I think that I am all alone), I would burst out laughing. I am NEVER alone - and neither are you.

Finally, here is a fascinating suggestion from Daniel Scranton's latest channelling of the Arcturians. 

If you close your eyes and you focus on breathing while holding that intention of going higher than you have ever gone before in your frequency, and you do that once a day, you will get better and better and better, and your baseline will shift. Your default setting will be a higher frequency than it once was, and not only will you live a better life, but you will have more tools for helping others to live better lives as well.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. I am greatful for you, Sierra!

    1. Thank you! I am grateful for you too. Much Love and Light.

  2. Thank you for your service to Humanity Sierra.

    1. It is my great pleasure to be of service, it truly is.

  3. Thank you Dear Sierra! All that you have highlighted here is exactly what I have highlighted in my journal!!! We are certainly being guided and aligned for our highest good! Love, Love, Love!!

    1. I am SO pleased that it resonated with you. Thank you! Yes, we are being guided, absolutely. The secret is to make lots of time throughout the day to listen to that guidance. Love and Light to you.

  4. Thank you! I love the hearts. Love and Light to you

  5. Thank you. Be aware that Friday is the Full Moon - more emotions. DD

    1. Although, interestingly it is the first of two Aquarian moons in one month - therefore a blue moon. Aquarius is less emotional than other signs. I am a double Aquarian. We tend to be more humanitarian, group-focused, intellect etc.

  6. Thank you sierra gratitude for you ❤

  7. Thank you Nathalie - I really appreciate your comment. Love and Light to you.


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