My Light Warrior Epiphany

This morning I had an epiphany because of a video. 

We Light Warriors watch a lot of videos but THIS video ignited a fierce flame in me that will keep me FIGHTING until the end. 

The title is misleading. It is more about the tyrannical rules in Australia. Alan Hennessy is a former Aussie army veteran of 45 years experience. His description of what is taking place in Australia is a major wake up call for all humanity. It is shocking, it is appalling, and it is completely UNACCEPTABLE.

After watching the video, I stood on my doorstep and stared out at my garden. I realized that I must take full ownership of my mission as a Light Warrior. Alan Hennessy needs every single one of us to speak up.

From now on, I will TELL people what I am doing. I will tell anyone who asks, and those who do not. This is what I will tell them: 'Every day I am fighting the TYRANNY that is happening in this country and around the world from my laptop. I am a Light WARRIOR.'

The days of cowering in the shadows, being afraid OF the shadows, are over. If we do not fight back with fierce determination - like Alan Hennessy and the Aussie truckers - the dark forces win. We know they don't ACTUALLY win - but we must show them how irrevocably and conclusively they have LOST the battle for planet Earth.

If you are looking for further inspiration to fight back fiercely, go to my previous post and watch the video of the priest calling out the [D]eep [S]tate from his pulpit - BY NAME. Did he put a target on his head by naming the DS..? Possibly. Did he CARE...? Absolutely not. That man is the true definition of the word 'hero'.

Bravery. Gritty determination. Gutsy resolve. Sheer bloody-mindedness. We Light Warriors need to align with all these qualities and push for the finish line with everything we have got.

All of us have lost the respect of friends and family members. Make that loss count...! Those heart-breaking losses and sacrifices, mostly jab-related, MUST count for something. Two of the people I love most are totally mind-controlled by the mainstream media. I am fighting for THEM, even if they don't know it.

Finally, dear Light Warriors, in spite of the unbelievable pain and disruption around us, it IS still possible to laugh. I stopped to chat to my lovely elderly neighbors who were sitting outside in the sun. She has a great sense of humor. We always laugh when we chat. She said, 'Dear, wait a second, I have something for you...' She went inside and came out with a little magazine. She read me this joke. Enjoy...!

'Life is like a roll of toilet paper - the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes...'


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Actually, that tp joke is a great symbol for this Plandemic, isn't it..? TP shortages! And indeed, we ARE there. Hugs to you, my friend.

  2. Hi Sierra! I had a wild idea, I could be wrong. What if the jab itself causes the delta variant. What if the shot is designed to mutate causing the variant. This gives them justification to keep jabbing you. Just a thought. Stay strong!

    1. Hi PanamaRed. I have been thinking it for a while - that they are jabbing some people WITH the whatever the latest named variant is. To justify endless booster shots which will weaken the immune systems beyond repair. So not such a wild idea at all! Love and Light to you...

    2. I saw my 'cruncher' yesterday (chiropractor), and she said it takes 18 mo for a virus to run its course. It already mutated cuz thats what they do. The so-called vaccine is a joke. But what really got me was a video of a gal that was jabbed and using a chip reader (like ones used for dogs) shows an "ID".

    3. I tell sleepers that it is the seasonal flu re-branded and that the flu stats for last year were ZERO. That gets them thinking! The jabbed people reacting to chip readers etc should be a major wake-up call to sleepers. Unfortunately a lot of them think its amusing.
      That's why we need to focus on supporting the awakening Lions. Most current sleepers are beyond our help now until the global accouncements.

  3. Thank you Sierra! Love and Light! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. I so appreciate your support, my friend! Much Love and Light to you.

  5. Resist Triggers during this Eris/Pluto squares from now to 18ish October.

    1. Great advice, Annette. Eris/Pluto is revolutionary energy. It is the ideal scenario for the global collapse of the DS in coming weeks. Love and Light to you.


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