We The People Are Fighting Back

An heroic doctor explains why the jab doesn't work - this six minute video that should be seen by all.

Strong proof that it was never about the fake virus - it was always about the jab.

This disturbing news shows how close we are to the end game. Society is irrevocably breaking down.

It is great to see New Yorkers out in force, protesting the jab mandates.

These brave Light Warriors spoke the TRUTH about the hoax virus. Love it. We the People have SPOKEN.

Finally, I participated in my first Signs Out today. About 12 of us Light Warriors stood on a busy street during commuter rush hour, facing the traffic and holding 'freedom from the jab' signs. We were about 50 metres apart. It was the biggest buzz! I was astonished at the number of positive reactions we got - thumbs up, lots of tooting. Far more people are aware of the TRUTH than we realize. Sure there were frowns, shaking heads and middle fingers - and the occasional foul-mouthed abuse - but they were the minority. We are WINNING this war.

Our happy band of Signs Out warriors is looking forward to our next outing, hopefully next week. We agreed afterwards that it was very empowering. And how wonderful for the fellow truthers who tooted and cheered us, to see us out there in a show of solidarity on their behalf.

A young woman approached me while I was holding my sign. She works for the local Port authority which is mandating compulsory jabs for all staff next month. She said that MOST of the port workers do not want the jab, but they feel powerless because their union can't prevent it. She asked me for help. These sad stories keep me fighting this battle. We The People will NOT give up.

Hold the Line, World Patriots. WE'VE GOT THIS.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Good for you on your first Signs Out day! Keep pushing back!

    I wanted to tell you our county has a constitutional sheriff. He said that if anyone came at him with the jab he'd unload 50 rounds on them. haha

  2. Not so happy here. Apparently The Governor of TN signed an EO quietly late Friday which is HORRIBLE. The EO gives the gov't the power to activate the Nat'l Guard to quarantine and involuntarily commit people for "healthcare reasons" which means forced gov't vaccines. I'm going to spread the word to everyone who lives here and we're going to swamp the Governor's phone and email.... and then we're going to make sure our guns are cleaned, locked and loaded. I just don't see any other way to go. So if Trump doesn't return really, really soon, there is going to be bloodshed. :(

    1. Good luck to you. Our thoughts are with you. TN is one of the places I had on my radar for moving to, after the shift. I've always liked your attitude. Didn't know you had a weasel for a Gov, though. Hope you can get it resolved through public pressure.

  3. Hang in there Deb. Keep fighting. I feel very strongly that the next few days/weeks is going to see a major turn in the tide. NYC Governor Cuomo's resignation is a HUGE step forward. A major domino. Many more will quickly follow. Stay strong! Love and Light and hugs to you and George.

  4. Weird, I tried posting to Debi about Constitutional Sheriffs association and it doesn't seem to have posted. A reminder Debi, Sheriffs are the the ultimate local authority. They can keep the Guard and the Feds out.

  5. Hi Tim..I am also having strange things happening today online. That's a great reminder to Deb about the Sheriffs. It is very different in USA. Here in NZ we have the government and the police. That's it. If both are corrupt, we are stuffed. But - the tide IS turning. Thousands are fighting back against our PM.


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