Jim Jordan: Trump Announcement

The NZ Herald published a long article about President Trump's imminent announcement of running in 2024 (it will be this year). Scroll down for the short video of Senator Jim Jordan sharing the news with supporters.

Speaking of the Herald, here are today's fear-mongering headlines: 'Terror in New Lynn: How NZ faces down terrorism'. 'Six terror attack victims still in hospital.'

What happened? A mind-controlled man who had been followed by police 24/7 for FIVE YEARS ran amok in a supermarket. Even though police officers were right behind him, he managed to randomly grab a knife from a shelf (convenient) and stab and critically injure six people before police shot him. Smell a set-up? Me too.

An interesting headline: 'UK Governor's plan for Queen's death finally revealed.' Could we finally see the announcement of Queenie's death (distraction from Afghanistan), long after her actual demise?

Steve Bannon on War Room gives a shout out to Cue. Awesome. He's talking about the shocking fact that HALF of unaccompanied migrant children who crossed the border are missing. 

Joe Rogan got [C]ovid, threw all alternative therapies at it and was fully recovered in three days. He re-tested and got a negative result. Pass it on. NO NEED FOR THE JAB.

This short video by a professional painter should be required viewing for all muzzled people. 

Great news. It seems that the Aussie truckie blockade is happening. ALL coverage was blocked. The [D]eep [S]tate must be very scared.

The Alliance plan is working - [B]iden's approval rating is plummeting.

Sidney Powell, all guns blazing, shares her thoughts on [B]iden and [H]arris. 

Finally, a heart-warming meme from a Light Warrior parent and daughter team. Love it ❤

A close Light Warrior friend sent me some very disturbing intel just now about what is being planned here in NZ by the government and 'authorities'. It was chilling to read. We discussed it in a phone call. Afterwards I thought, 'What can I do...?' The answer is clear: I keep doing what I am doing. I keep writing this blog to inform, inspire and encourage Light Warriors to KEEP FIGHTING BACK.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Beautiful Sierra, I am in such gratitude with every blog you share! You are a true Light Warrior and I appreciate the dedication, inspiration, and love you show us all daily!

    I love your answer as to what you can do... Keep doing what you are doing, keep writing this blog to inform, and keep inspiring and encouraging Light Warriors! May I politely suggest that instead of "fighting back", we all STAND in our Light? That feels like an empowered Light Warrior vibration, which I know you are about. We ARE the Light. We ARE the Love. We ARE the Truth. We are! :)
    (Thanking Blossom Goodchild for sharing that mantra!) And together we shine brightly. :)

    I appreciate everyone in this community & Sierra for creating & nurturing this inspiring & beautiful space. You truly are a precious gift in this world.
    With Love and Light,

  2. Keep posting, Sierra, because you are a LIGHT to all who read your words! ๐Ÿ’–

    1. Thank you, Jan - I will keep posting, I promise. This is about Ascension and I signed on to complete the mission. I will do it!

  3. Hi Linda. Thank you for your beautiful comment. And I am very glad that you appreciate this community as much as I do.
    I love Blossom Goodchild, and her mantra. I am an advocate for standing in our Light. Light is information - it is the same thing - so by sharing our Light/information, we are helping to save humanity. I use the term 'fighting back' because this IS a war. We must rise up with great strength and defeat the dark forces. Even though we have already won this war on the continuum in the higher realms, we must see it through with courage and conviction in this realm.
    We are digital soldiers. The pen is mightier than the sword!
    Thank you again, Linda. It is lovely to know that you are part of this precious community.
    Love and Light and hugs to you.

    1. Your pen is DEFINITELY mightier than the sword, Sierra! You have such a beautiful way with words & I appreciate your reply, as it took me to a higher level of innerstanding. Thank you!!! You are so appreciated & loved!

    2. I am very grateful to have you here, Linda. Hugs to you, my friend.

  4. Thank you Sierra! Love and Light! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you my friend, I always love your hearts..! Love and Light to you

  5. Keep up the LIGHT WORK Sierra! I am convinced this AM that another 'last ditch' effort is underway by the deep state.

    I am sensing an energetic attack on, not just light warriors, but humanity as a whole. Have you been experiencing a sudden bout of frustrations ? Details of work/life going astray for unexplained reasons? Many minor annoyances that stack up? Unexpected wrenches popping up in your plans?

    Laugh - Laugh your ass off at this foolish silliness. It is a clear sign of a desperate enemy being starved into non existence on the Earth plane. AND Remember, These People are Stupid. They are also increasingly desperate. Desperate people do desperate & stupid things

    1. Phud, I experienced a big Aha moment when I read this comment. Yes..!! So many minor irritations, annoyances, little details going astray etc etc etc. I find myself getting easily annoyed in a way I never used to. It seems I have no patience anymore for these irritations. Thank you, my friend! I had already decided to try and stop using the F word to myself, which has crept back in despite my efforts to get rid of it. Instead of that word, I will yell to the dark forces: 'Get lost, you stupid morons!' Then I will smile/laugh that they did not get to me.
      Thank you so much. I hope your advice helps other blog readers. Love and Light to you!

  6. Hello Sierra Much Love & Light to You God Bless you light warrior of truth
    hope you check this out much Love & Light & Hugs with dash Laughter to you.

    SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 THE BRITISH WAR ON CHRISTIANITY (When we write “British,” we mean self-anointed British elitists, not the British people)
    In other words, history education in our lifetimes has all been British newspaper propaganda to keep us in the dark, while these demons play out their agenda for world control, culminating in current "The Great Reset." https://tinyurl.com/ywryzfjw

    1. Thank you so much - and I really appreciate the hugs and laughter! I will indeed check out this link, I have made a note of it. Love and Light to you.

  7. Inalienable Rights – A Suggested Solution To The Covid Coup d’รฉtat & How To Resist It
    POSTED BY: IAIN SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 https://tinyurl.com/ypa4pjhh

    1. Thank you! Much appreciated. Love and Light to you.

  8. A very good collection. Keep on keepin' on.... Shine that Light!

  9. Thanks, DD. We are shining that Light together...!


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