Darkness Before The Dawn

Relentless Truth with a piece of...relentless truth. It was Cue who said, 'These people are stupid'.

Feel very sorry for people in the Phillipines - their leader has murderous ideas about the jab. He will NOT prevail.

The late great Rick Mayall produced a chilling prophetic movie about the [D]eep [S]tate that may have ended his life. Here is a seven minute clip from the movie...

A meme dedicated to protecting the children.

Finally, the Light Warrior's meme...https://gab.com/BeachMilk

Three posts in one day. Hmmm. Could be the stormy weather and time on my hands..? Actually it is more the fact that there is so much interesting intel out there that I want to share with you.

Finally, I have just discovered that the video of the local protest rally - that came to me via Stephen in Sydney - was filmed by a member of my own VFF group, and we were together at the rally. Very cool!

Stay strong, fellow Light Warriors. We signed on knowing that this last phase of the Alliance war would be extremely challenging at a time when our reserves are low. It is precisely that knowledge that gives us the strength to hang on and hold on. You know how it goes - darkest before the dawn. The dawn is nearly HERE.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. The mood has definitely changed. Something is different. Energies are up. I think it's about to get very exciting. My best girl, who is much more intuitive than me, thinks it's about to get very exciting. Buckle up Buttercup.

  2. Hi Tim. I agree that the mood has changed. The numbers of people who will not comply is growing exponentially. There is no other outcomes except freedom for humanity. Bring it on...!!

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  9. We do have this! It’s incredible how many people are leaving their jobs to stand up against tyranny, despite the looming hardship and deep anxiety they must feel. It blows me away. There are now so many of us united by the mandates worldwide! Was this the Alliance plan?

    Thanks Sierra for your daily posts that bring us your enlightened perspective and the gems you find. You do such a great job shining your light on the truth and being a warrior for the highest good. My hat off to you! I’m delighted to discover your blog. In unity and solidarity my friend!

    1. Hi Alice. Lovely to hear from you! Like you, I am humbled at the number of people who are standing up to the tyranny by walking away from their jobs. This is true raw courage, the kind that this world has not seen for a long time. Bless every single one of them.
      And thank you for the loving feedback, I greatly appreciate it. Much Love and Light to you.


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