BOOM: Pfizer Whistle-blower Evidence

A UK cardiologist says that whistle-blower evidence is 'quite devastating for Pfizer'. This four minute UK TV news interview lends great credibility to the Pfizer CEO arrest story. Thanks to the blog reader who sent it to me.

This is quite devastating for Pfizer...the Pfizer whistle-blower has evidence of Pfizer falsifying data, not following up adverse effects...He contacted FDA who did nothing...Why was the FBI not involved? It's criminal activity...From 2009-2014, most of the top ten pharmaceutical companies paid 13 billion dollars in fines for criminal activities...' (Cardiologist Dr Malhotra)

What an amazing sight - thousands of frontline workers in Queensland protesting the mandates.

Confirmation from Ratcliffe that there will be 'many indictments' from Durham (13 sec video). BOOM.

Wow, Q said 'You can't tell the people, you have to show them.' Listen to this NSW 'authority' talking about virus patients in hospital - watch to the end.

If you are new to the Q movement, here is a link by Praying Medic - a popular Q commentator - with beginner's information about Q.

Ain't this billboard the truth...

Finally, a story from a dear Light Warrior friend. He sat down in the weekend and wised up his double-jabbed wife and in-laws. He showed them proof that there were only 22 virus deaths in NZ, and they all happened early last year. The utter devastation this country has experienced for 1.5 years because of TWENTY-TWO deaths. He showed them proof from a government data base that there have been 220 vaccine deaths and thousands of injuries...SO FAR. He said you could have heard a pin drop in the room.

These are the same three people who said that my friend cannot accompany them to a restaurant because he has not been vaccinated. You read that right. Wife and in-laws barring him from eating out with them.

There are some terribly sad stories emerging of fractured family plans for Christmas - where un-jabbed people are being turned away from the festivities by their entire wider jabbed family. The devastation the virus and jab has caused is incalculable in terms of suffering and heartache. We MUST fight to the end so it wasn't in vain.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. We’ve got this. Indeed! Bottom line, for those of us who were awake early, we literally competed to be here at this time. We’ve all sacrificed. Most of us continue to sacrifice on a daily basis. But, we’ve got this. We really do. We have already won. All we’re waiting for now is as many sleepy heads to wake up as possible. Can you feel it in the air? I can. And compared to what we’ve been through, it’s magic. Believe it. Live it.

    1. Tim, you are right - we Light Warriors have all sacrificed and continue to do so every day in ways that our sleeping family members and friends may never understand.
      And yes, I can feel it in the air....!! It is the smell, taste and sound of FREEDOM.

  2. I absolutely agree with you, Applegoddess. Remember the Q pic of the Santa holding a hammer..? It was in the Christmas grotto at Trump Towers from memory.

  3. Yep. My entire double-jabbed family moved from Georgia to South Florida. Now they do not have to tell me that I am not invited to be with them. Good. I need not be exposed to their shedding. Silver lining!

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. I love your approach, Jan - you are a bright sparkling Light and a breath of fresh air on this blog and in the world. Much Love and Light to you, my friend.

  4. I guess there is something to be said for my entire family already cutting me off from them before things got this serious. At this point, I can only assume they all took the jab (my father for sure, since he told me). Every one of the rest of my family - sisters and brothers included - have just stopped speaking to me. So we weren't figuring on doing anything for Christmas anyway. Don't feel sad for me - it's much less stressful, and much cheaper. And now we can chose to spend the holidays with friends that actually care about us (you know what I mean).

    1. As Jan says, Deb, there are silver linings to these situations and you have shared your own. I believe this Christmas will be very differently from all previous ones, but for all the right reasons. It will be about TRIBE family gatherings, not obligatory blood family gatherings. As you say, spending it with people you choose to - that's the definition of true freedom.
      Love, Light and hugs to you.


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