[D]eep [S]tate Being Taken Out

The excerpts (below) from Matthew Ward's latest channelled message are reassuring on two counts. 

Firstly, people who are forced into the jab due to mandates are protected. This confirms that it is ONLY people with soul contracts to leave the Earth plane now that are using the jab as an exit option. And secondly, top [D]eep [S]tate players are being TAKEN OUT in big numbers. Excellent news.

Now then, if employment, school attendance or travel is requiring you to be vaccinated and exclusions are not accepted, please do not worry. Gaia’s desire for her humankind to be healthy is being honored. Immune systems and cellular restructuring from carbon to crystal are being fortified by increased light as more and more civilizations are aiding Earth’s peoples in this respect. Your worst enemy is fear—don’t let its low vibrations interfere with absorbing the light being beamed to you in ever greater abundance.

We don’t know when this “pandemic” scourge will run out its energetic course, but what we do know in addition to light intensification will let you feel greatly encouraged. Because puppets of the darkness are violating Creator’s cosmic law by denying instead of honoring others’ free will choices about vaccination, some in peak ranks of the Illuminati have been taken off the planet by one means or another and others are soon to meet that fate, some who are aware of this are taking their own lives, and many in lower ranks are abandoning the sinking ship (Matthew Ward channelling)

This morning a dear Light Warrior friend and I were discussing how few people we know who are 100% committed to refusing the jab. Under no circumstances, to the death, that sort of commitment. It made me proud to be a Light Warrior - and proud of our battle cry: 'I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.' I will NOT comply.

Ben Fulford's latest newsletter has some interesting information. Please use your discernment, as with any intel. There is a great deal of misinformation flying around at present, by design, to throw off the DS.

Even the MSM reported that [B]iden dozed on camera during a climate change conference. Oh, did I mention that he had a 'bathroom accident' at the Vatican during the same Europe visit? Competent, much.

In New Zealand, our puppeteer PM still controls the tame-stream media. Here she is in action today, shutting down a reasonable question that does not match her narrative. Back in the days of real journalism, she would have been forced to answer it.

A victory for freedom - a judge has suspended the jab mandate for Chicago police officers. KEEP FIGHTING BACK. It works.

Major change of subject. Oh my goodness, the man in this pic is SO John Kennedy (not Junior). Now there is a man I would dearly love to meet - not to swoon (well, maybe just a little!) but to thank him for his extraordinary patience and his tireless devotion to liberating humanity.

The Aussie jab 'commercial' featured in my previous post has fortunately been confirmed as a spoof. Thanks Stephen, for the heads up.

Why have an ordinary protest when you can do this...? Belgium protest rally. Love it.

And finally, a protest rally in Montreal that made sure ALL eyes saw their request for help.

Those last two videos illustrate the resourcefulness of Light Warriors worldwide. 

Belgium...Montreal...Auckland...the FREEDOM message is being broadcast creatively, peacefully and effectively. Humanity will look back at this time in awe that millions of people protested with so much restraint and respect all over this planet. The fifth dimension is not 'on its way' - it is HERE.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Yep. John is a hottie! (wink) And an incredible light warrior! Love and Light, Sierra!

  2. Jan, hottie is the word I wanted to use - but what if he or his wife read this post..?? Tee hee.
    Love and Light to you.

  3. Happy to see that 5D is here! Woo-hoo! DD

  4. I am with you on that one, DD. Major Woo-hoo...!!!


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