President Trump on Veterans Day

President Trump with a powerful message on Veterans Day. 'Our country will be back stronger than ever...' 

President Trump sent an 'envoy ambassador' to Europe, upsetting the DS liberals. Of course he did - he's the real President, you numbskulls!
Q always said to keep an eye on Julian Assange. This long post from Relentless Truth is a reminder of the huge importance of Assange to the Alliance plan. A recommended read.
Brazilian President Bolsonaro confronted the WHO chief about people dying after the second jab dose. He also forced the WHO to admit they don't endorse jabbing children. This is a revealing little conversation between Bolsonaro and the [D]eep [S]tate players.
The news is seeping out about super-fit young athletes dropping dead on sports fields.
Virus rates sky-rocket in heavily-jabbed vax-passported European countries. Meanwhile, rates remain low in Sweden which did not impose any mandates or lockdowns. Scroll down for the graph in this story.
Wow, full Gestapo here from Aussie. Queensland President of the Aust Medical Association Dr Chris Perry on how life will be for the un-jabbed...
'They're crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable for the unvaccinated...They will have a very very lonely life and won't be able to maintain a job...' (Dr Perry)
Meanwhile our Gestapo NZ Prime Minister followed the script with a disgusting DS television reporter about the huge weekend protest. No wonder our population is brain-washed with such BS.
A meme that demands an explanation.
A reminder of why we Light Warriors fight on, day after day after day after day after day...
Finally, an update on Fiona, our gutsy 8 year old Light Warrior. Her campaign worked. The school board dropped the mask mandate. Congratulations, Fiona. You are AWESOME.
Light Warriors, reach out to each other. As the lovely New Zealand psychotherapist said in the previous post, we need to support each other during this challenging time.
My hairdresser of eight years will be abiding by the jab mandates which means I cannot visit her anymore. Today I was blessed to find a new hairdresser who's not only an excellent stylist but she is also a fiercely passionate Light Warrior. We are letting go of the old 3D connections and welcoming in 5D Earth. One day at a time.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light


  1. More and more warriors are waking from their deep sleep. As the Alliance takes control of the media, more will awaken, but rudely. I feel especially empathetic toward Catholics. I suspect some will not be able to continue when they learn the truth about their beloved Pope.

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. I agree about the Catholics, Jan. I know someone whose whole life is about to crumble in spectacular fashion because of their strong connections to both mainstream media and Catholicism. We must just stand by and be ready to pick up the pieces. Hugs to you, my friend.

  2. Great stuff Sierra! On haircuts..I haven’t gone into a salon since Covid!! Refuse to get a haircut wearing a mask! Ridiculous. Now I’m getting compliments on the long hair so ..

    1. Thanks my friend! Go you, rocking long hair. It doesn't work for me. I was so blessed to be connected to my new hairdresser yesterday, a spunky passionate Light Warrior. Love and Light and hugs to you.

  3. I'm almost out of popcorn. The end of the movie must be near.

  4. Just a question for anyone out there to enlighten me on...I watched the Trump Veteran's Day address, and couldn't help but notice the gold fringe on the American flag behind him. I thought the U.S. was no longer under Maritime Law. Any insight on that? Makes me nervous...

    1. I noticed the gold fringe too. If any blog reader can enlighten us, that would be great. I am definitely not nervous, just curious. Love and Light to you.

    2. It's a war flag:) As we are at War:) It's all good as you know!!;)
      Thanks for all you do!!:)

    3. They haven't announced NESARA/GESARA yet.

    4. Of course, it is a war flag - and we ARE at war. Thank you for the reminder. DD. will they announce NESARA/GESARA or will it just filter it...?? We don't know the Alliance plan. Keep the faith...! Love and Light to you.

    5. Sierra - it has been filtering in, a little bit at a time. If you wish to track it, you can have the list of 19 or so items at hand when you hear more 'special' news. For that list, I refer folks to ** (tab at top). Other than the various countries doing their RV, it's hard to be more specific than that. Your 'antenna' or your eyes/ears will be tweaked - lol. My feeling is that they will be announced during and after the big reveal on EBS. Apparently there is still a clean-up on Aisle 3 - lol ...... Love and Light to you. DD

  5. I read a good quote on a meme posted to Telegram.

    "It's no longer our job to wake the sheep. It's time to wake the other lions."

    1. That's exactly true. We have done all we can for the sleepers. We need to support the other lions as we endure the slings and arrows during this last part of the battle.

  6. Great comments all Light Warriors. Having been raised catholic and even confirmed prior to 2012 when I started waking up.. once a person awakens you see it all so clearly.. control via fear is the basic formula.. once a person lives in fear they do as told..
    The act of eating the body and drinking the blood via communion clearly a satanic ritual yet billions of Catholics do it and think this saves them. I too thought this way before questioning it all. So obvious now the papacy is worshipping satan even the architecture in Rome shows this.. an obelisk right in st Peter's square.. I know many priests and cardinals are speaking out now they see it too not all are involved but many are.. the pedophilia is rampant.
    The truth does see us free it just wont be easy to accept for so many who are programmed by religion mass media educational system their jobs.. the entire system is a lie to keep us enslaved. Buy silver rounds if u can Perth mint. Doug USA

    1. Thanks Doug - you have shared some excellent intel about the Catholic church. And great tip about buying silver. Thanks! Love and Light to you.

    2. Yes, they did an outstanding job on the control issue. I went to a good friend's wedding at a catholic church in 1969. Last year, I went to her funeral at a catholic church. Her husband and others seem so much different there - "stoic" if you will - not a lot of open grieving. DD

    3. The Catholic Church has been an evil institution on this planet. Its demise will be something to celebrate...

  7. Someone should make a T-shirt that says “Let’s go Fiona” and on the back it can read “and don’t forget Brandon”.

    1. I love it...!! Great idea, Blake. Let's do it...!


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