[F]auci: Fully Jabbed Three Shots

Evil [F]auci said on CNN: In my personal opinion...it's just a matter of when the definition of fully-vaccinated means having three shots.' So this fake [F]auci - who looks nothing like the original - just moved the goal-posts again. How many times do they have to be moved..?? Wake up, people..!!

Brazilian President Bolsonaro said there will definitely be no jab mandates imposed upon Brazilian people. He said, 'I would rather die than lose my freedom'.

Wow - a USA airline pilots magazine reports that only one pilot died in 2019 - but 111 died in the first nine months of this year....!

It appears that Celine Dion may be paralyzed as a result of the jab. Please use your discernment as always.

Interesting - Melania Trump has just joined Parler. This Anon speculates that President Trump may have purchased Parler as the platform for his new social media company.

An incriminating photo that strongly links [E]pstein and [M]axwell to the British royal family - and not just disgusting Prince Andrew. https://gab.com/PepeLivesMatter17

Meanwhile Alec Baldwin and his wife suddenly deleted their Twitter accounts when Baldwin's name appeared in [E]pstein's 'little black book' at the [M]axwell trial. There's going to be a major outbreak of this deletion syndrome in Pedowood.

A very short clever little video. No explanation - just watch.

Who can argue with the logic of this meme...? https://gab.com/BeachMilk

Finally, a meme that will resonate with nearly every Light Warrior at this time.

While I was shopping today, I was at a checkout beside another un-masked person. As we walked out of the store, I quietly asked her if she is a member of Voices For Freedom. She smiled and said Yes. We chatted for a few minutes then hugged before parting company. Stranger to friend in one instance. WWG1WGA.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline - I so appreciate your support.

  2. Time for the BIG SHIFT ...! Love and Light, DD

  3. The most interesting revelations in recent days has come from British woman Michelle Fielding. Watch the interview with Nick Veniamin (after the brief segment with Charlie Ward).


    1. Thank you for the tip. I used to follow Michelle back when I had more time! I will make a point of watching this video. It has been on the edge of my radar for a few days now. Love and Light to you.

  4. Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted: 😂😂😂😂 who did this? https://twitter.com/catturd2/status/1468706601930563588?s=20


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