James Gilliland: 'Critical Mass'

James Gilliland's latest newsletter includes a segment that sounds remarkably like the Event channeling I posted recently.

...Enjoy the light review, some will experience it in the physical. It will be like the Earth and all its inhabitants will go through an NDE near death experience once it hits critical mass. We will all experience this differently. Baba ji once said to some it will be like getting hit with a brick, to others like a feather.

The concept of humanity suddenly reaching a critical mass/tipping point/precipice - when everything changes in a heartbeat - is becoming a regular theme in messages. The only question that cannot be answered is 'When'. 

Cool meme.

Finally, a Christmas meme that sums up the insanity of what took place in 2021.

This is another short post - mainly to share the James Gilliland newsletter.

To my northern hemisphere friends, have a very Merry Christmas. It is still possible to experience joy and laughter, even during this chaotic time on the Earth plane. In fact, never has it been more important to do so.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

This is just a short post - mostly to share with you the James Gilliland newsletter.

Merry Christmas to northern hemisphere blog readers. Joy and laughter are still possible during this chaotic time on the Earth plane. In fact, never have they been more important.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Waves of love....so the solar flash which is a wave of love as describe by some for those who did the inner work and would expirience a euphoria but those with heavy unhealed core wounds a catharsis.

    Some would ascend but im not sure if this is the first wave they refered to that coincide with the flash

    Well, no use speculating. Lets wait for it since its a short anyway. I hope god does not extend the drama furthermore, let our vibration dictate the dimension we go to once and for all. Who knows we might be in the first wave to the fifth dimension

    1. Thanks for this comment, some interesting thoughts. I am not sure what wave we are in. Dolores Cannon wrote extensively about the different waves - I have all those books. read them many times, and I am still not sure what wave I am in...! As you say, let's wait and see. Hopefully not long now.
      Love and Light to you.

    2. From the book, "The Crystal Stair" by Eric Klein

      Archangel Michael: "You will all go in the same way, as you said, "Beam me up, Scotty".
      So you will be lifted; it is something that we have perfected. All those who go in the first wave will go at approximately the same time on the same date."

    3. Wayne - I read the Crystal Stair about 30 years ago. I have always felt like I'm in the first wave, and I'm ready to get beamed up when it's time!

  2. hello from QUEBEC I'm sending you a video that I think could be related to your dream that you had I think this video explains it very well. THANKS TO YOU SIERRA ON THIS CHRISTMAS DAY AND ALL MY WISHES TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Sylvain

    1. Happy Christmas Sylvain, lovely to hear from you! Thank you for the video link - I will check it out shortly. Love, Light and hugs to you in Quebec.

  3. Wow thanks for reminding me about the Event, was just dreaming I was going to get a ride on a helicopter or other small flying vehicle. I was hoping it wouldn’t be scary or freezing cold up there . The pilot was reassuring me that it would be gentle and pleasant .. hmmm!!

    1. Cool dream, Faith! Last night I dreamed I was at an airport terminal waiting to board a plane. I was shaking a loved one, to help them wake up so we could board the plane together...!

  4. Interesting term, “ light review” as if it’s a life review during an NDE. Guess we’ll see what happens. James has given us a kind of universal New Age version of many Christian prophecies .

    1. It's a very interesting term, I agree. I have been following James for many years, as I believe you have too. He always adds a thoughtful perspective to current events, without drama and hysteria.

  5. Yes nde seems right .. we all have thoughts or actions we are not proud of.. guilty as charged. Not easy in this 3D matrix world before and after waking up ..in fact it got harder once I woke up!! I had to be careful not to judge my fellow divine beings for following the elite agenda never questioning anything. My siblings and I can't speak about any of it except 1. I want all to know truth so we can all unite and ascend. I assume this wave will help awaken everyone make them see the darkness all around them. Sierra sorry for that post someone placed about you .. ridiculous you are a light warrior we all have a role to play nobody knows for sure when the galactics don't know they are basint it all on timing I suspect with earth vibration .. humanity events etc . I say let it go we aren't improving now we need divine intervention to make this happen too many are programmed .. driving around with a mask on..it's like a bad horror movie from the 1980s .. you can't tell them otherwise they are too far gone.. love and light Doug US Republic

    1. A Near Death Experience for humanity - as mentioned in my Event channeling and this message from James Gilliland - makes a lot of sense. Most of us only wake up when we are pushed against the wall in a life or death situation. I can speak from personal experience. I got sober 38 years ago coming up on New Years Day. It was my Dark Night of the Soul, and was literally life or death.
      Thank you for your kind words about the less than positive comment, Doug. I feel compassion for people who feel the need to rain on other people's parades. It's sad.
      Love and Light to you, my friend.

  6. Thanks Caroline, Love and Light to you.


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